Month: November 2020

What You Need to Know About Ethereum Based Dapps

When it comes to blockchain technology, one of the most interesting uses so far has been in regard to Dapps. The applications that have been created range from blockchain based games, to a decentralised version of twitter, and even a voting platform.

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PLIB – A Suite of Portable Game Libraries

PLIB is a set of multi-platform and open source libraries for the development of games. It is written by Steve Baker in 1997. PLIB is written in C++. It supports Windows, Linux, UNIX and MacOS. PLIB is licensed under Library GNU Public License (LGPL 2.0). The latest and the stable version of PLIB is v.1.8.5 that was released in October, 2006.

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Software development

Software development gives a progression of steps to developers to make PC programs. This cycle makes up the stages in the software development life cycle. Understanding the software development technique offers tremendous open doors in the IT business.

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Top smartwatches of 2020

Round watch face versus square, wellness accentuation versus other keen highlights, operating system (iOS versus Android) and more: Whether you’re searching for your first or supplanting an old one, there are a great deal of components to consider when purchasing the best smartwatch for your requirements. That is particularly evident on the grounds that it will be lashed to your wrist very nearly all day, every day in case you’re anticipating utilizing it to track your sleep.

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PhyreEngine is a multi-platform game engine developed by Sony Interactive in 2003. This engine is written in C++. It targets the platforms of PlayStation, Windows, Android and iOS. The most stable version of this engine is released in January 2012. PhyreEngine is licensed under Proprietary.

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