The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense

  • Computer Science Books
The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense

The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense is a reference written strictly for white hats: IT and security professionals responsible for protecting their organizations…

An overview of Generic Containers in C++

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

Container classes are the solution to a specific kind of code reuse problem. They are building blocks used to create object-oriented programs. They make the…

Compounded Types in C++

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

Welcome to the another C++ article where we will uncover the language's flexibility and power through various data types. In this article, we'll explore the…

Pointers in C++

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

The pointer is a variable which holds the memory address of another variable. If one variable contains the address of another variable, the first variable…

Advanced Concepts and Patterns in Encapsulation

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

While grasping the fundamentals of encapsulation is crucial, delving into advanced concepts and patterns elevates code design and maintainability further in C++. In this article,…

Multiple Inheritance in C++

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

Multiple Inheritance in C++ is a powerful yet intricate feature that allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from more than one base class.…

Exception Handling in C++

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

Exceptions are the way of flagging unexpected conditions or errors that have occurred in C++ program. C++ Language provides a good mechanism to tackle these…

Operator Overloading in C++

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

Operator Overloading enables us to make the standard operators, like +, -, * etc, to work with the objects of our own data types or…

A Guide to Advanced Exception Handling in C++ Programming

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

An exception usually signals an error. One of the major features in C++ is exception handling, which is a better way of thinking about and…

The Standard C++ Library

  • C++ Programming: Different Articles on C++ Programming

The 1998 C++ standard consists of two parts: the core language and the C++ standard library; the latter includes most of the Standard Template Library…