Author: M. Saqib

Concepts of Smart Pointers in C++

Pointers are a foundational concept in C and C++ that allows developers to manage memory and manipulate objects dynamically. However, traditional pointers come with challenges such as memory leaks, dangling pointers, and complex manual memory management. To address these issues, modern C++ introduces smart pointers, a powerful abstraction that automates memory management and ensures resource safety.

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Solving the Knapsack Problem with Code Examples

The Knapsack Problem is a classic optimization problem in computer science and mathematics. The goal is to maximize the value of items placed in a knapsack without exceeding its weight capacity. This problem has many variations, but the most common are: 0/1 Knapsack Problem: Each item can either be included or excluded. Fractional Knapsack Problem: Items can be divided to maximize value.

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Differences Between malloc and calloc in C Programming

In C programming, dynamic memory allocation allows us to allocate memory at runtime. Two commonly used functions for this purpose are malloc and calloc. While they may seem similar, there are important differences between the two. This article explores these differences with examples.

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Machine Learning with C++

In this case study, we explore how C++ contributes to the development and deployment of machine learning applications, highlight its role in frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch and its application in real world use cases.

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How VPNs Can Secure Your IoT Devices From Cyber Threats?

There are additional features to look for like a killswitch and log policies. A killswitch disconnects you from the Internet if you lose connection to your VPN server and until the connection is regained, ensuring you are always protected. No log policies mean that the VPN service does not log any Internet activity: most VPNs say they offer this service, but you should look for those where the policies have been independently verified to ensure total privacy.

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C++ For Dummies 7th Edition
Unlock the world of programming with C++ for Dummies – the perfect beginner’s guide to mastering C++ with ease and confidence!
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