M. Saqib

Best Angular File Upload and Why It Is a Critical Component of Any Frontend Application

Best Angular File Upload and Why It Is a Critical Component of Any Frontend Application

Almost every website must collect files from users. Whether they’re job applications on a company website or images and videos on social media, you'd wish…

Writing a Research Paper Using Python Programming Language

These days, writing any individual paper is independent work. In addition to obtaining new knowledge, the student learns planning, analysis, and the ability to evaluate…

5 Best Books to learn a new Programming Language

As an in-demand career, you must expand your knowledge, skill set, and experience as a programmer to keep up with the times. Learning a new…

Cocos2d Game Engine: History, Features, and Branches

Cocos2d is an open-source software framework that is used to build different games, apps, and other cross-platform GUI-based software. The most well-known branches of the…

How to Optimize JavaScript for Your Site Performance

A slow website can harm your SEO efforts, as Google uses page speed as one of its most important ranking factors. Moreover, speed affects the…

Types of Programming Languages

Technology has taken the world by storm and a strong part of the credit for advancement in technology goes to the application developers. Web Development,…

Chrome Engine: Its History and Games Developed using this Engine

Chrome Engine is a 3D Game Engine that is developed by Techland using the C++ Language. The Latest and Current version of chrome engine is…

Binary Decision Diagram Data Structure

A BDD (Bryant 1986) or branching program is a data structure that is used to represent a Boolean function. On a more abstract level, BDDs…