Author: M. Saqib

Quicksort Video – Algorithm Explanation

Quicksort is an efficient sorting algorithm based on Divide and Conquer rule. It works by selecting a ‘pivot’ element from the array and partitioning the other elements into two sub-arrays and recursively sorting them.

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How to Read and Write Excel Files using C# and Excel Interop Library

This tutorial shows you how to Read and Write Excel files in C#. We are going to use Microsoft COM Objects i.e. Excel 16 object in our application. Use the following sample C# source codes for Excel reading and writing. There are multiple examples discussed in this tutorial to read Excel files using C# and write data back to Excel file.

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Fundamental Principles of Data Integration for Database Administrators

We live in a new era of data-centered enterprise management. There are various types of modern data coming through different sources, in increasing volumes, and from different locations like never before. We now live in an era of emerging solutions which helps enterprises to meet the challenges in data integration effectively.

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LRU and FIFO L1 Cache Implementation using C

This is a C program to demonstrate cache mechanism by simulating a cache in C. The source code can run in any C Compiler with minor modifications if required. It can run on real memory traces as input to your cache simulator. We have implemented two cache replacement policies i.e. least recently used (LRU) and First-in first-out (FIFO) replacement policies.

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Vigenere Encryption and Decryption in C++

The Vigenere cipher is a method of encrypting or decrypting alphabetic text by using a series of interwoven Caesar ciphers (Caesar Shift), based on the letters of a keyword. In cryptography, Caesar shift is one of the simplest known encryption techniques. It employs a form of polyalphabetic substitution, which is using multiple substitution alphabets.

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