Author: M. Saqib

Newton’s Telecom Dictionary

Newton’s Telecom Dictionary helps technology and business professionals stay on top of the ever-changing network, telecom, and IT industry. Businesses are adopting new telecom and communications services and equipment that...

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C# Program to Validate Email Address

This is a simple C# .NET Program to validate email address. The ValildateEmail() function checks for a valid email and returns true if the email address is a valid email otherwise it returns false if the email address is not proper syntax. The code is well commented and should explain what is happening .

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C Program to Calculate Factorial of a Number

This C program is designed to compute the factorial of a user-entered integer. The program employs a for loop to calculate the factorial and then displays the result. The user can continue inputting positive integers to obtain their factorials until a non-integer input is provided which terminates the program.

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