Author: M. Saqib

C Programming Language (2nd Edition)

Just about every C programmer I respect learned C from this book. Unlike many of the 1,000 page doorstops stuffed with CD-ROMs that have become popular, this volume is concise and powerful (if somewhat dangerous) — like C...

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C Program to demonstrate 8Queen with simple graphics

The C program is an implementation of the 8-Queens Puzzle, a classic problem in chess. The objective of the puzzle is to place eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard in such a way that no two queens threaten each other. In chess, a queen can attack horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

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The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition)

In this brand-new fourth edition of The C++ Programming Language, author Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++ has reorganized, extended, and completely rewritten his definitive reference and tutorial for programmers who want to use C++ most effectively. It is widely considered one of the most authoritative and definitive references on the C++ Programming Language. The book covers all aspects of the C++ language, including its syntax, semantics, and use in real-world applications.

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C++ program to demonstrate Inheritance

This is a simple C++ Program to demonstrate Inheritance. Simpler methods in the classes have been changed to inline code to shorten the file considerably. In a practical programming situation, methods that are this short should be programmed inline since the actual code to return a simple value is shorter than the code required to send a message to a non-inline method.

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Java Programming Questions

What is Java Programming Language?The Java programming language is a high-level language that can be characterized by all of the following buzzwords: Simple Architecture neutral Object oriented Portable Distributed High...

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