Author: M. Saqib

Union in C Programming

A union in C programming is a user defined data type which may hold members of different sizes and type. Union uses a single memory location to hold more than one variables. However, only one of its members can be accessed at a time and all other members will contain garbage values. A structure is a convenient tool for handling a group of logically related data items. Structure help to organize complex data is a more meaningful way. It is powerful concept that we may after need to use in our program Design.

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C++ Programming Questions

What is C++? C++ is a general purpose programming language developed by Bjourne Stroustrup at Bell Laboratories during 1983-1985 as a superset of the C language. It has object oriented and generic programming features, while...

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3G Wireless Networks

In 3G Wireless Networks, experts Clint Smith and Daniel Collins dissect critical issues of compatibility, internetworking, and voice/data convergence, providing you with in-depth explanations of how key standards and protocols intersect and interconnect. This guide digs into the gritty details of day-to-day operations such as network security, dynamic ARP inspection of the network and network traffic, giving you a chance to understand the difficulties service providers will experience in making the changeover from 2nd Generation systems (CDMS etc.) to 2.5 Generation systems like WAP and EDGE and finally to full throttle 3G networks.

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Linux kernel coding style

This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the Linux kernel. Coding style is very personal, and I won’t _force_ my views on anybody, but this is what goes for anything that I have to be able to maintain, and I’d prefer it for most other things too. Please at least consider the points made here.

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Basic Data Types in C Programming

C language provides a standard and minimal set of basic data types. Sometimes these are called primitive data types. More complex data structures can be built up from these basic data types. Data types specify how we enter data into our C programs and what type of data we use for different operations. C has some predefined set of data types to handle various kinds of data that we can use in our program.

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General Programming Questions

What’s the difference between a programming language, a scripting language? The main difference between a “programming language” (C, C++ etc.) and a “scripting language” (ASP, JSP, JavaScript,...

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