Author: M. Saqib

Search Engine Marketing

There are a lot of things involved with search engine marketing. It is not hard to learn the skills & techniques in Search Engine Marketing. And once well-read, search engine marketing can provide a successful technique of driving highly targeted visitors to your web site or blog.

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Web Hosting Choice

Web Hosting Choice Finding a good web host is quite a hectic job these days as there are millions of web hosting companies around the world. Most web hosting companies offer wide verities of products and services. Web hosting...

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Stack Implementation with Array

This java code implements stack functionality by using arrays. It can Pop and Push an item in stack with the help of array. The item can only be an integer number and internally the java program uses arrays to maintain items in stack.

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Lame – MP3 Encoding Software

LAME is an educational software used for learning about MPEG Audio Layer III (MP3) encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to use the open source model to improve the psycho acoustics, noise shaping and speed of MP3. LAME is distributed as source code only.

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Transitioning from C to C++: A Quick Guide for Novice Programmers

As we begin the study of C++ and object oriented programming, a few comments are in order to help you get started. Since the field of object oriented programming is probably new to you, you will find that there is a significant amount of new terminology for you to grasp. This is true of any new endeavor and you should be warned not to be intimidated by all of the new concepts.

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Working with Namespaces in C#

Every application begins with a namespace in C# .NET that has the same name as the project. Of course, you can change the namespace to anything you like in order to maintain compatibility with other projects. For example we declared namespace Mycplus.CSharpBasics while taking an Overview of C#. We can write the whole application with in one namespace or we can declare multiple namespaces as needed in our project. The general syntax of declaring a namespace is

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Scientific Calculator Program

This graphical scientific calculator purely written in C programming language. It uses small functions to draw buttons on the screen and perform scientific operations like conversion, logarithm, and other operations. Every operation can be performed using the mouse buttons as well as keyboard. It can perform almost all the functions shown on the screen except few functions which will be implemented in the next version of this calculator code.

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