M. Saqib

Derived Classes

program, the objects are instantiated from an?inherited class and the intent of this program? is to illustrate that there is nothing magic?about a derived class.[crayon-674b064eb5876907834141/]

Demonstration of inheritance in C++

Demonstration of inheritance in c++. This example contains the following files. VEHICLE.H VEHICLE.CPP ALLVEHIC.CPP CAR.H CAR.CPP TRANSPORT.CPP TRUCK.H TRUCK.CPP Vehicle.h is a basic class for…

Miltiple Inheritance

The basic concept of multiple inheritance (MI) sounds simple enough: you create a new type by inheriting from more than one base class. The syntax…

C++ Source Code: Exception Handling

Error recovery is a fundamental concern for every program you write, and it's especially important in C++, in which one of the goals is to…

Information Hiding

Example of a program with a little information?hiding contained in it. [crayon-674b064eb601b491022276/]

Graphical Calculator and Dairy

This is a Graphical calculator and graphical dairy which uses files to store the diary information. [code='c']/******************************************************* * MYCPLUS Sample Code - https://www.mycplus.com * *…

Change IP configuration using C++

Change IP configuration using C++

This sample illustrates how to programmatically change an IP address for a specific network adapter on your machine. This program also demonstrates how to retrieve…

C++ Client and Server, Overlapped Server and Thread Server

This C++ Program demonstrate the use of pipes to pass a continuous stream of data between processes. It has four parts i.e. Simple named pipe…