Author: M. Saqib

The Standard C++ Library: IOStreams

You can do much more with the general I/O problem than just take standard I/O and turn it into a class. The iostreams classes are usually the first part of the C++ library that new C++ programmers learn to use. This chapter...

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The Standard C++ Library: Generic algorithms

Algorithms are at the core of computing. To be able to write an algorithm once and for all to work with any type of sequence makes your programs both simpler and safer. The ability to customize algorithms at runtime has...

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The Standard C++ Library: Strings

Standard C++ not only incorporates all the Standard C libraries (with small additions and changes to support type safety), it also adds libraries of its own. These libraries are far more powerful than those in Standard C; the...

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Bubble Sort C Program

Bubble Sort is the most simple form of sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping through the list of items (array) and swapping the adjacent elements if they are in incorrect order. This algorithm has no such real life uses due to it’s poor performance and is used primarily as an educational tool.

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Brick Game – Game Developed in C++

This is the complete source code of the most favorite flash game ‘Web Breaker’. The source code is written completely in C/C++ programming language. The game runs in DOS graphics mode. You can use either Turbo C++ compiler or Dev C++ compiler to compile and run this code.

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How to implement simple TCP Client and Server Program in C?

This is a C Program that illustrates a simple TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) server that accepts incoming client connections. Once a client connection is established, a thread is spawned to read data from the client and echo it back (if the echo option is not disabled).

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Writing UDP Data Sender and Receiver in C

The sender program is a UDP datagram sender that can be configured through command line options. It initializes Winsock, creates a UDP socket, and either connects to a recipient’s IP address or uses sendto() to send datagram messages. The receiver program complements the sender by receiving UDP datagrams.

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