Category: Blog

Top AI-Powered Video Editing Tools

Using videos can be a great method to communicate and promote your brand on various platforms. Videos are the most viewed content on social media platforms, like Instagram and Facebook.

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OGRE – Object Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine

OGRE is multi-platform, open source, graphics engine developed by The OGRE Team in 2005. It is a scene-oriented, real-time, 3D rendering engine. OGRE stands for “Object Oriented Graphics Rendering”. It is licensed under MIT License. OGRE is written in C++. It develops game across multiplatform such as Windows, Linux, Xbox and PS3. It is used to develop FPS (First Person Shooter) as well as RPG (Role-Play Game).

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Marmalade – For Developers to Innovate, Create and Craft Content

Marmalade SDK (Software Development Kit) is a cross-platform, 2D and 3D game engine developed by Marmalade Technologies Limited. It is written in C++ and modules of Lua, HTML5 and Objective C. Depending on the type of licenses purchased, Marmalade SDK supports developments of games for the platform of Android, Blackberry 10, iOS, Tizen, LG Smart TV, Mac OS, Microsoft Windows, Roku 3, Windows Phones and Nintendo Switch. It was launched in late 2009 and its first stable version was released on September 2016. It is a proprietary licensed game engine.

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MT Framework – A Mature Graphics Engine

MT Framework is multi-platform game engine developed by Capcom Company in 2004. “MT” stands for “Multi-Target”, “Multi-Thread” and “Meta Tools”. MT framework is licensed to Capcom. This Game Engine is written in C++. It creates game for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox one and PC. It is majorly used by Capcom itself to create many new games and some remastered ports for console games like Resident Evil series. It is a non-free software.

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MOAI SDK – Powerful Platform to Create Mobile Games

MOAI SDK (Software Development Kit) is a multi-platform, embeddable 2D game development framework developed by Zipline Games. It is written in C++ and Lua. The literal meaning of the word Moai is “Statue” in Spanish. It is named after a series of ancient, carved stone statues of human figure in Easter Island, Chile.

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Lumberyard – Free Game Engine

Lumberyard is a free, cross-platform 3D game engine developed by Amazon Game Tech. It is based upon Crytek’s Cryengine. This AAA game engine is written in C++ and Lua. Lumberyard develops games for the PC, Mobiles and consoles i.e., Microsoft Windows, iOS, Android, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The most prominent feature of the engine is its integration with AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Twitch. Lumberyard is designed for performance, modularity, and productivity.

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Limon Engine – A 3D Game Engine that’s just enough

Limon Engine is an open source, multi-platform and multi-threaded, 3D game engine. The engine is written in C++ and specially designed for First Person Shooter Games. It develops games for the platforms of Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac-OS. It is a self-contained, simple learning project, has clean code and fair amount of functionalities. It is a great platform for learning game development. The engine is licensed under free LG-PL (Lesser General Public License).

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id Tech – Series of Game Engines written in C/C++

A series of game engines known as id Tech is a series designed and developed by id Software. The company behind id Tech is id Software that is part of the ZeniMax Media Inc. First few engines of the series i.e. 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been released as free software under the GNU General Public License.

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