Category: Blog

Graphics Library (graphics.h) Reference (part 2)

In the previous post I discussed few important functions mostly used to initialize and destroy the graphics mode in DOS environment. Today I will discuss graphics functions to draw different shapes and lines. So here we go by starting the line function which is most important function in creating any graphics.

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Graphics Library (graphics.h) Reference (part 1)

Graphics programming in C Language is discussed rarely. Today I will discuss some important functions of graphics.h in C programming Language and in the next coming article I will make a simple program to demonstrate the use of graphics functions. This is the part one of the article which discuses the important graphics function to create and destroy the graphics environment. In part two I will show you different graphics functions to draw shapes. And in last part I will add a sample program to demonstrate the use of graphics.h library. So let’s start with the description of important functions and their use.

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Welcome to C and C++ Programming Blog

This Blog is created to teach the students and the people who are new to C/C++ Programming. Articles will be added on a regular basis with code examples so that learning would be easy. All the source code will be made available...

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