Category: Blog

Ubiart Framework – Game Engine

Ubiart is a 2.5D (pseudo-3D) game engine that converts 2D images into a playable game environment. The Ubiart Framework’s goal is to “limit the repeating tasks” of game development. On the technical side, it is written in C++ and produces high-quality animation and scenery with relatively little artwork. 

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Top 5 image-to-text converter online tools in 2023

Do you share the desire to translate images into words? So you’ve come to the right place, then. We will talk about online image-to-text converter tools in this article that you can use in 2023. For bloggers and marketers, manually converting text into images is a laborious and challenging process. 

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Five Reasons Why We Often Forget Passwords and How to Avoid It

According to ExpressVPN’s research, an average user spends about four minutes resetting their passwords each time they forget passwords. What would you want to do if you had four minutes? Of all the things you might be thinking, resetting your account password might not be on the list.

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Cube Engine: Features and Games

The Cube is an open-source landscape-style engine created using OpenGL and C++ that acts as an indoor FPS game engine which allows for in-game editing of geometry in a full 3D mode, which means that you may fly around the map and point or drag objects to pick or alter them while playing simultaneously with others in multiplayer.

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Writing a Research Paper Using Python Programming Language

These days, writing any individual paper is independent work. In addition to obtaining new knowledge, the student learns planning, analysis, and the ability to evaluate the results and use specialized terms correctly. This type of activity can be creative, exploratory, fundamental, or applied. They also differ in the level of complexity and the areas studied. Moreover, you may not believe it at first, but many people often apply even a certain python language type to improve the quality of the material. Let’s take a closer look at this topic. 

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Cocos2d Game Engine: History, Features, and Branches

Cocos2d is an open-source software framework that is used to build different games, apps, and other cross-platform GUI-based software. The most well-known branches of the Cocos2d framework are Cocos2d-objc, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5, and Cocos2d-XNA. The fundamental building block known as a sprite is used in all its versions. A sprite is a plain 2D image and also serves as a container for other sprites. 

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How to Optimize JavaScript for Your Site Performance

A slow website can harm your SEO efforts, as Google uses page speed as one of its most important ranking factors. Moreover, speed affects the overall user experience (UX) – statistics show that 40% of users will abandon a website that loads for more than three seconds.  There you have it – seven tips for optimizing JavaScript to boost a site’s performance. By understanding how JS code affects the load time, website owners will be more prepared to address the problem efficiently.

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