Source Code: Programing Source Code

Java Program to Show Stack Implementation

Java Program to Show Stack Implementation

This is a simple Java program to demonstrate the Stack data structure implementation. This code provides a simple implementation of a stack with basic operations…

C# Program to Validate Email Address

This is a simple C# .NET Program to validate email address. The ValildateEmail() function checks for a valid email and returns true if the email…

C Program to Calculate Factorial of a Number

This C program is designed to compute the factorial of a user-entered integer. The program employs a for loop to calculate the factorial and then…

JavaScript Program to Show Current Time In Various Formats

This is a small script that can display the current time in "Military Time" format or "12 Hour Time" format with the push of a…

JavaScript Program to Show Date and Timestamp

This is a simple JavaScript Program to show Date and Time Stamp on a webpage. In this script  we define a JavaScript function named getFormattedDateTime.…

C Program to demonstrate 8Queen with simple graphics

The C program is an implementation of the 8-Queens Puzzle, a classic problem in chess. The objective of the puzzle is to place eight chess…

JavaScript Code to show Browser Information

This JavaScript code does a great job of displaying information about your web browser. Information includes Browser Name, Version, your computer's OS platform, and whether…

C++ program to demonstrate Inheritance

This is a simple C++ Program to demonstrate Inheritance. Simpler methods in the classes have been changed to inline code to shorten the file considerably.…

C++ Program to demonstrate Function Name Overloading

This is a simple C++ Program to demonstrate Function Name Overloading. An example of function name overloading within a C++ class many_name is used in…

Capitalize Sentences and Words – C# Programming Examples

In C# programming, text manipulation is essential for creating clean and readable content. Whether you're dealing with user input, processing text files, or enhancing the…