Category: C Programming Source Code

C Program of Library Management System

This is a C program to implement Library Management System by which a librarian can operate a simple library. It uses Linked List, Stack and Pointers to implement different features of the library system. The program also uses struct data structure to add records in the library.

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C Program to Calculate Factorial of a Number

This C program is designed to compute the factorial of a user-entered integer. The program employs a for loop to calculate the factorial and then displays the result. The user can continue inputting positive integers to obtain their factorials until a non-integer input is provided which terminates the program.

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C Program to demonstrate 8Queen with simple graphics

The C program is an implementation of the 8-Queens Puzzle, a classic problem in chess. The objective of the puzzle is to place eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard in such a way that no two queens threaten each other. In chess, a queen can attack horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

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Snake Game – C Imlementation

This C program simulates the game “snake” which is usually available in old mobile phones. A string of characters moves on the screen according to arrow keys pressed by user. If it touches itself or screen boundary, the program terminates. When the snake moves, in arbitrary screen positions some digit (1-9) appears. The objective of the game is to make the snake eat the said digit, so that it is added to the score. When a digit is eaten, the size of the snake increases by the number of characters equal to the value of the digit.

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C Program: Number Shuffling Game

This C program is a simple console-based implementation of a number-shuffling game. The game presents a grid of numbers, and the objective is to rearrange them in ascending order. The player can move the numbers by pressing the corresponding number keys, and the game tracks the number of moves taken to complete the puzzle.

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C Program – Tic-Tac-Toe Game – Command Line

This is a console version of Tic Tac Toe computer game written in c programming language. The game runs in text mode of command prompt and users can play the game in text mode. The game has many options to choose from, like playing with computer, friend. While playing with computer use can select either novice mode or advance mode.

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