C Programming Source Code

Telephone Directory Program in C

Telephone Directory Program in C

This is telephone directory program written in C and uses BGI Graphics to display data. The program takes Name, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Address and…

Customizable Information Box Library in C

This C code provides a simple and customizable implementation for creating text boxes that can be used to display tips, hints, or information in a…

Making Mouse Pointers

How to create the mouse pointers in c language. Different shapes can be given to the mouse pointer by changing the values of the cursor…

C++ Enumerated type variable [C++ Enum]

This C++ program shows how to use enumerated type . The enum is a compound data type and works in C++ exactly the way it…

Multiplication of Two Matrices in C

This C code multiplies two 2x2 matrices. It prompts the user to input values for both matrices, displays the input matrices, performs matrix multiplication using…

Directory Traversing in C using Tree Data Structure

This is a C Program to implement tree data structure. It uses current working directory as the root and traverse all files inside the directory…

Display Days of Week using enum Keyword in C

This C program uses enumerated types to display days of week. The enumerated type is then declared as a different name using typedef keyword i.e.…

Perform Linear Search on integer Arrays in C

This C program demonstrates basic functionalities for handling integer arrays. It allows users to input integers into an array, prints the array, and performs linear…

C Implementation of Various Sorting Algorithms

This is a simple C implementation of various sorting algorithms such as Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort and Shell Sort. Bubble Sort Bubble sort,…

Streamlining File Input and Output in C++: The Use of Streams with Files

File input and output operations are essential to many C++ programs, but they can be cumbersome and difficult to manage. Fortunately, C++ provides a powerful…