C++ Source Code: C++ Programming Concepts

The Standard C++ Library: IOStreams

You can do much more with the general I/O problem than just take standard I/O and turn it into a class. The iostreams classes are…

The Standard C++ Library: Generic algorithms

Algorithms are at the core of computing. To be able to write an algorithm once and for all to work with any type of sequence…

The Standard C++ Library: Strings

Standard C++ not only incorporates all the Standard C libraries (with small additions and changes to support type safety), it also adds libraries of its…

Flexible Vector and Matrix (Vectors and Matrix with Arbitrary Bounds)

This is C++ Flexible Vector and Matrix (Vectors and Matrix with Arbitrary Bounds). The algorithm has been written by Alex Vinokur. Programming Language : C++.…

Bubble Sort C Program

Bubble Sort C Program

Bubble Sort is the most simple form of sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly stepping through the list of items (array) and swapping the adjacent…

TIC-TAC-TOE Enhanced Version – C++

This is an enhanced version of Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) game by adding one more row and column. Actually I have played this newer version of Tic-Tac-Toe…

Data Protection in C++ – Object Oriented Programming Concept

This is a very basic C++ program that demonstrates data protection in a very simple way. Data protection in Object Oriented Programming is controlling access…

Design patterns

"describe a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describe the core of the solution to that problem, in such…

Message Digest Utility

This is a special console based utility which will calculate the Message Digest, Base 64 Encoding and Decoding, Checks the Message Digest and give output…

Chess – Knight’s Tour Implementation in C++

This C++ program is tour of knight on 64 square of chess board.  The goal is to place a knight on an empty chess board…