C++ Source Code: C++ Programming Concepts

OOP: Object Oriented Programming: Source Code

First hint of object oriented programming using C++. [crayon-673a6b97351e9022794578/] Output of the C++ Program: Result of execution The value of index is -23 The value…

Constructors and Destructors – C++ Source Code

The following C++ program demonstrates the concept of constructors and destructors in C++.

Simple class program

Simple class program[crayon-673a6b9735c1a337836542/]

Multiple inheritance

In order to keep the program as simple as possible, all of the member methods are defined as inline functions.? This puts the code for…

Derived Classes

program, the objects are instantiated from an?inherited class and the intent of this program? is to illustrate that there is nothing magic?about a derived class.[crayon-673a6b973643f870302844/]

Demonstration of inheritance in C++

Demonstration of inheritance in c++. This example contains the following files. VEHICLE.H VEHICLE.CPP ALLVEHIC.CPP CAR.H CAR.CPP TRANSPORT.CPP TRUCK.H TRUCK.CPP Vehicle.h is a basic class for…

Miltiple Inheritance

The basic concept of multiple inheritance (MI) sounds simple enough: you create a new type by inheriting from more than one base class. The syntax…

Car Race Game

Car Race Game

This is a simple C++ program to make a car race game. It uses object oriented approach to generate different objects in the game such…