Category: Java: Java Programming Concepts

Find Words Frequency in a Text File using Java

The program demonstrates sorting techniques by sorting a list of words based on their frequency count. Novice programmers can learn about basic file handling, data structures, generics, and sorting algorithms through this program, gaining foundational knowledge applicable to a wide range of Java applications.

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Towers of Hanoi Java Program

This Java Program solves the Towers of Hanoi problem for a tower of 10 disks. Ten differently-sized disks are stacked in a pile, in order of decreasing size. There are two other places for piles. The object is to move the pile to the second available place, subject to the rules that only one disk at a time can be moved, and no disk can be piled on top of a smaller disk. The Towers of Hanoi problem is a standard example of recursion.

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Java Swing GUI Example Program

This Java source code is an example of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with different GUI elements such as TextBox, Buttons, TextArea, Text Area and Labels. It is implemented using Java Swing API which provides a set of “lightweight” (all-Java language) components. This code example extends the functionality of JFrame class to show a JFrame window and Implements ActionListener on buttons to catch the click event on those buttons.

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Java Calculator Program with AWT and Swing Based GUI

This Java source code implements a basic calculator with a graphical user interface (GUI) using AWT and Swing. The program is structured in a way that makes it suitable for novice programmers to understand and learn about GUI development in Java. It serves as an excellent starting point for those looking to explore basic GUI applications and understand the principles of event-driven programming.

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Simple Java Contact Form

The following Java code defines a simple GUI application using Swing. It creates a form with text fields for name and email, a text area for messages, and actions buttons for OK and Cancel operations. Additionally, there is a button to change the background color of the form.

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Java Source Code: Create Different Borders of a Label

This is a Java source code for a simple graphical application that demonstrates how to use various types of borders in Swing, a Java GUI toolkit. The program defines a class BorderDemo that extends JApplet, a Swing component used for embedding a Java application in a web page or other container.

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Java Program to Draw Star Shapes

This Java program creates a simple graphical application that draws rows of stars using Java’s Swing library. The program creates a window with rows of stars drawn on it. The Star class defines the shape of a star, the StarPane class handles the drawing logic, and the StarApplet class sets up the main frame for the application. This example showcases basic GUI programming with Swing.

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The Complete Python Bootcamp From Zero to Hero in Python
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