
C++ Vector – std::vector – A Complete Guide with Examples and Programs

C++ Vector – std::vector – A Complete Guide with Examples and Programs

Vectors in C++ are highly versatile sequence containers that provide dynamic resizing and efficient memory management. This guide covers topics ranging from vector initialization to…

Ternary Operator with examples in C

In C Programming, ternary operator allows executing different code depending on the value of a condition. The returned value is the result of the expression…

File Handling in C++

In C++, files are referred to as flow of streams (data) into and out of programs. Streams are basis data type to handle all input…

Ternary Operator with examples in C++

In C++, ternary operator allows executing different code depending on the value of a condition, and the result of the expression is the result of…

Polymorphism in C++

Simply speaking, polymorphism is the ability of something to be displayed in multiple forms. Let’s take a real life scenario; a person at the same…

The C++ Modulus Operator [mod or % operator]

The C++ language provides a built-in mechanism, the modulus operator (mod or %), that computes the remainder that results from performing integer division.

Find the middle element of linked list in C

In order to find middle element of linked list in one pass, you need to maintain two pointers, one increment at each node while other…

Introduction to C++ – Lecture Notes

This post contains lecture notes of "Introduction to C++" course which is taught at MIT OpenCourseWare. OCW is a free and open publication of material…

An Introduction to C++

The goal of these columns is to explore object-orientation through practical object-oriented programming. This time, we look at C++, but in the future we will…

Concurrency in C++ – A Course offered by University of Waterloo

Google Code University website provides tutorials and sample course content so CS students and educators can learn more about current computing technologies and paradigms. In…