Category: Tutorials

A Complete Guide to using Double Pointer in C: Pointer-to-Pointer

A pointer can be declared to point to another pointer which points to a variable. Here, the first pointer contains the address of the second pointer. The second pointer points to an actual memory location where the data is stored, i.e. a variable. That’s the reason why we also call such pointers as double pointers.

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How to Read and Write Excel Files using C# and Excel Interop Library

This tutorial shows you how to Read and Write Excel files in C#. We are going to use Microsoft COM Objects i.e. Excel 16 object in our application. Use the following sample C# source codes for Excel reading and writing. There are multiple examples discussed in this tutorial to read Excel files using C# and write data back to Excel file.

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The Typedef and using Keywords in C and C++

The typedef or “type definition” is a keyword in C or C++ Programming language that allows declaring different names for types such as int or char. It specifies that that the declaration is a typedef declaration rather than a variable or function declaration. In C/C++, any valid data type can be aliased so that it can be referred to with a different identifier.

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Difference between char[] and char* in C? Character Array and Pointer

Generally, the following two statements about char[] and char * in C are considered confusing and understanding the difference between them is important. The first statement puts the literal string “mycplus” in read-only memory and copies the string to newly allocated memory on the stack. The second statement is known as static string allocation and definition.

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What are #ifndef and #define Directives?

In the C Programming Language, the #ifndef directive checks if the given token has been #defined earlier in the C code. If the token has not been defined earlier then it includes the code between #ifndef and #else. If no #else is present then code between ##ifndef and #endif is included.

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C++ Standard Template Library – List

The Standard Template Library (STL) is one of the most essential features of C++. It has very much grown in recent years. Basically, the Standard Template Library provides templatized, general-purpose classes as well as methods. These classes and functions/methods implement several popular and most commonly used algorithms as well as data structures.

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C++ Vector – std::vector – A Complete Guide with Examples and Programs

Vectors in C++ are highly versatile sequence containers that provide dynamic resizing and efficient memory management. This guide covers topics ranging from vector initialization to advanced techniques for vector manipulation and acts as a comprehensive resource for developers who want to deepen their understanding of this essential container in C++.

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Ternary Operator with examples in C

In C Programming, ternary operator allows executing different code depending on the value of a condition. The returned value is the result of the expression when the code is executed. The main advantage of using ternary operator is to reduce the number of lines of code and improve the performance of application. In C, the real utility of ternary operator is that it is an expression instead of a statement i.e. you can have it on the right-hand side (RHS) of a statement. So you can write certain code statements more concisely.

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