Unlock the power of Java with Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java. This essential guide delves into the fundamental concepts of data organization and algorithm optimization, emphasizing performance analysis and scalability. From trees and graphs to dynamic programming and sorting algorithms, the book equips programmers with the tools to solve complex problems efficiently. Designed for professionals and students, it integrates theoretical principles with real-world Java implementations, making it an indispensable resource for building robust, high-performance applications.

Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java

From the Back Cover

Mark Allen Weiss provides a proven approach to algorithms and data structures using the exciting Java programming language as the implementation tool. With Java he highlights conceptual topics, focusing on ADTs and the analysis of algorithms for efficiency as well as performance and running time. Dr. Weiss also distinguishes this text with a logical organization of topics, his engaging writing style, and an extensive use of figures and examples showing the successive stages of an algorithm

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  • Contains extensive sample code using Java 1.2, which is available over the Internet.
  • Covers the Java Collections Library in an appendix.
  • Includes a chapter on algorithm and design techniques that covers greedy algorithms, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming,
  • randomized algorithms, and backtracking.
  • Presents current topics and new data structures such as Fibonacci heaps, skew heaps, binomial queues, skip lists, and splay trees and Trie data structure.
  • Offers a chapter on amortized analysis that examines the advanced data structures presented earlier in the book.
  • Provides a chapter on advanced data structures and their implementation, covering red-black trees, top-down splay trees, treaps, k-d trees, pairing heaps, and more.

If you want a good learning source for Java, then Head First Java is your way to go. It is a complete learning experience in Java and object-oriented programming.