Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step teaches the fundamentals of Microsoft Visual C# using Visual Studio 2017. This is a step by step guide to anyone having previous experience in programming but new to C# Programming.
The topics covered in this book are:

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- Use Visual Studio 2017 to create C# programs and applications
- Understand basics of C#
- Object Oriented Programming with C#
- Handle Exceptions in your code
- Master the C# object model
- User Input handling and Touch Display handling
- Events Handling in C#
- Develop cloud-connected applications
- Learn how to seamlessly read and write Excel files in C#
About Author
John Sharp is a principal technologist at Content Master, part of CM Group Ltd, a technical authoring and consulting company. John has experience in a wide range of technologies, from database systems and UNIX through to C, C++ and C# applications for the .NET Framework, together with Java and JavaScript development. He has authored several books for Microsoft Press, including six editions of C# Step By Step, two editions of Windows Communication Foundation Step By Step, and the J# Core Reference.