In the previous article I compiled a list of C and C++ Programming websites/tutorials that could help you learn basic and advance techniques in programming. Today’s article presents a list of C and C++ programming courses which are freely available online on different university websites in the form of OpenCourseware.

OpenCourseWare is a term used for course materials created and made freely available online by universities.


I suggest taking these free courses even though they will not gain you a well-recognized qualification or degree. These courses will provide you with thorough introduction to the programming language; enhance your programming skills and gives practical advice on to use these skills in commercial world.

Table of Contents

Courses Offered by Academia

1. MIT Open CourseWare

Practical Programming in C course provides a thorough introduction to the C programming language, the workhorse of the UNIX operating system and lingua franca of embedded processors and micro-controllers.

Introduction to C++ course is designed for undergraduate and graduate students in science, social science and engineering programs who need to learn fundamental programming skills quickly but not in great depth.

2. Stanford Engineering Everywhere (SEE)

Programming Methodology course covers such advanced programming topics as recursion, algorithmic analysis, and data abstraction using the C++ programming language. Advanced memory management features of C and C++; the differences between imperative and object-oriented paradigms; concurrent programming (using C and C++) is covered in programming paradigm course.

This course is the largest of the introductory programming courses and is one of the largest courses at Stanford. 

CS106A – Programming Methodology

3. University of Cambridge Department of Engineering

University of Cambridge Department of Engineering offers a beginner’s resource for starting C++. Resources include local teaching; general references, tutorials and online resources.

4. Berkeley Webcast Courses

UC Berkeley website has Podcasts and Webcasts of current and archived courses. The Beauty and Joy of Computing and the Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs are related to C/C++ programming.

5. University of California, Davis

Norman Matloff’s Unix and Linux Tutorial Center has a very good C Programming tutorial which covers elementary C programming and Advance C programming topics.

6. The University of Southern Queensland’s OpenCourseWare (USQ OCW)

The University of Southern Queensland’s OpenCourseWare (USQ OCW) provides access to Object Oriented Programming in C++. This course extends the student’s basic procedural design and programming knowledge into the object oriented paradigm.

7. Seoul National University OpenCourseWare

Seoul National University OpenCourseWare offers a course on Programming Methodology, System Programming. The university also offers courses on other engineering domains as well.

8. Wikiversity

The Division of Computer Programming has 14 C programming and 11 C++ programming topics.

9. VTC University

VTC University has an excellent offering of courses on C programming, advance C and C++ fundamentals.  Free Trial Members will gain access to first three chapters for each training course only.

You can find complete listing of courses offered by different universities at OpenCourseWare Consortium website. There are 300+ C and C++ Programming Courses.

Courses Offered by Industry

The following websites also offer different programming and computer science related courses however they are not affiliated with any specific university.

1. Academic Earth

Academic Earth provides comprehensive collection of free online college courses.

2. Khan Academy

Khan academy has plenty of courses on Computer Science topics such as Algorithms and Computer Programming.

3. CosmoLearning: Your Free Online School

CosmoLearning is a free educational website for students and teachers. It offers Programming and Data Structure course which teaches basic C programming and Data Structures. Another course Introduction to Computer Science I also include extensive programming in the C Language and PHP.

4. Coursera – From courses to degrees

Coursera provides online learning from the world’s best universities and companies. It has plenty of courses for Programming Foundations in C and C++ such as Programming Fundamentals, C++ For C Programmers, Part A, Pointers, Arrays, and Recursion and C++ For C Programmers, Part B.

5. Udacity – Think Forward

Udacity provides learning environment that brings together leading academics and industry visionaries. Provides courses such as Introduction to Programming and C++ for Programmers.

6. edX – Accelerate your future

edX is an online learning destination and MOOC provider, offering high-quality courses from the world’s best universities and institutions. It also has an Open edX, an open source platform that powers edX courses.

7. Udemy: Online Courses

Udemy offers 80,000 online courses on variety of fresh topics. There are lots of C Programming courses and over 150 C++ Programming courses available.

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Please share your experience with any of these courses in the comments below. Also, suggest any other programming courses you have taken and suggest others.