Limon Engine is an open source, multi-platform and multi-threaded, 3D game engine. The engine is written in C++ and specially designed for First Person Shooter Games. It develops games for the platforms of Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac-OS. It is a self-contained, simple learning project, has clean code and fair amount of functionalities. It is a great platform for learning game development. The engine is licensed under free LG-PL (Lesser General Public License).

The Turkish professional Software developer, Engin Manap developed this game engine. It may not be the best game engine and may not compete with the great engines of the time, but it surely has the essential functionality to support a game. Keeping in mind that this is a single developer’s effort, its capabilities are amazing.

Its first version was released in December 2017 that used basic GUI, Dynamic shadow mapping and point light, skeletal animation and rigid body physics. In September 2018, the version 0.5 was released that can actually be used to build a game. In December 2018 SSAO (Screen Space Ambient occlusion) was incorporated in the engine that gave path for the release of version 0.6 on February 2019. This version enabled to implement the shooter logic. No game has yet been developed on this engine.

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The engine is fully documented. Manap being responsive invites users to discuss their issues or missing features using Issue Tracker. User can also chat at the Discord Chanel. The link to both the sites is provided at the end of this article.


  • Skeletal Animation
  • Embedded Texture Support
  • SSAO (Screen Space Ambient occlusion)
  • GUI Editing
  • Rigid Body Physics
  • 3D Spatial Sound
  • Preliminary AI
  • Custom 3D Forward Renderer
  • In-game Map Editor
  • Editor For Animation Creation
  • API For Customization
  • Loading Customization From Shared Libraries
  • Post Processing Effects
  • Real-Time Lighting And Shadows
  • Trigger Volumes

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