After a long time I decided to change the wallpaper from my desktop. The previous wallpaper was of my favorite actress Priety Zinta from Bollywood. I spend quite a good time while searching for nicely designed website. One of the really good design I came across is Bartelme Design and I managed to make these wallpapers with the help of Wallpaper Development Kit 3.
Here are the three different flavours of the wallapers and I am sure that one of them would fit on your desktop. The blue one is the one I really liked and really looks cool on my Windows XP desktop with Energy Blue theme.
One the second wallpaper I tried to put some lighting effects using the Photoshop. It looks good to me but I am not sure about your opinion. Do let me know if you liked these wallpapers.
If the weather is hot or you are feeling angry at some one. then I would suggest to put this fire color wallpaper to show your anger to some one ;)

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All these wallpapers has been linked to the high resolution images on my flicker. The direct link to my flicker images is