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    • #2078

      how do i make my program take very large positive numbers without using double precision integer type. for instance:
      the user should be able to enter a number like:
      and get something like:
      4243545636758689184912673254783849162783326564 as its quotient and 76586798707897 as its remiander.
      i’ll also like to know if its never possible to get that using just “int type”. thanx to all.

    • #3359

      Usually what is done in this case is one is required to write a large number module for your program. A array of the smallest integer type on your machine is usually used ( a short type or something like that ). You will usually use an array like:
      short largeNumber [ NUMBER_OF_DIGITS ];
      and then you will represent large numbers like:
      largeNumber [ 0 ] = 1

      largeNumber [ 1 ] = 2

      largeNumber [ 2 ] = 3

      largeNumber [ 3 ] = 4

      largeNumber [ 4 ] = 5
      then you write functions to read , write and do mathematical computations on the arrays like:


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