MYCPLUS – C and C++ Programming Resources
This website is developed to help anyone who wants to learn C/C++ programming. There are plenty of resources for learners such as tutorials, source code, library references, programming syntax and C/C++ programming interview questions.
How VPNs Can Secure Your IoT Devices From Cyber Threats?
There are additional features to look for like a killswitch and log policies. A killswitch disconnects you from the Internet if you lose connection to your VPN server and until the connection is regained, ensuring you are always protected. No log policies mean that the VPN service does not log any Internet activity: most VPNs say they offer this service, but you should look for those where the policies have been independently verified to ensure total privacy.
Router VPNs: The whys, the hows, and the whats
Virtual private network (VPN) apps seem to get better every day, now offering functions that you...
10 C++ Libraries That Every Student Should Know
C++ is a diverse programming language that is widely used in various areas, from system programming to game development. Its variety of features and a robust ecosystem of libraries offer numerous opportunities for extending functionality and improving its development. Familiarizing yourself with C++ libraries can help students improve their coding skills. Here’s a detailed look at 10 C++ libraries every student should know.
The Ultimate Guide to Proxy Servers
In this post, we’ll cover the most common types of proxies, along with pros, cons, and use cases to help you choose or to buy proxy servers or others suiting your business needs.
9 Reasons Why Proofreading Your Book is Important
Readers are more likely to recommend a book that is free from errors and well-crafted, contributing to positive word-of-mouth and increasing sales potential. Similarly, publishers seek manuscripts that are meticulously proofread and ready for publication, recognizing the value of a well-prepared manuscript in the competitive book market.
C Programming Tutorials
C programming tutorials include language constructs, file handling, union and structures, pointers and data structures.
C# Programming Tutorials
C# Tutorials include .NET introduction, basic constructs, working with name spaces and exception handling.
Programming FAQs
It includes General Programming language and scripting language Questions, C and C++ Programming Questions, Java Programming Questions and Direct-X Programming Questions
Object Oriented Programming
Object oriented concepts include polymorphism, inheritance, classes/objects, Encapsulation, Data hiding and overloading.
C++ Programming Tutorials
C++ programming tutorials include basics, oop concepts, lecture notes, memory management and exception/handling.
Programming Styles
Tutorials Linux kernel coding styles, indian hill C coding styles and standards, GNU coding styles and standards.
Data Structures
There are two types of data structures available to C/C++ programmers. One is already built-in and other is complex data structures that can be implemented using built in data types.
Algorithm Programming
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis, Binary Search Tree implementation, sorting and standard template library.
Read More
The C Programming Language (2nd Edition)
This book provides the complete guide to ANSI standard C language while showing how to take advantage of C’s rich set of operators, expressions, improved control flow, and data structures. Most importantly, it’s co-written by Dennis M. Ritchie, creator of C programming language.
Programming Resources
Here we have compiled the best resources in learning C and C++ programming that you can find.
C Source Code
C source code include small programs to understand different concepts.
C++ Source Code
C++ codes include small programs to understand basic C++ concepts.
Free Utilities
Free utilities are small applications written in different programming languages.
Programming Books
This section includes list of programming books on numbers of programming topics.
Programming Tips
C/C++ programming tips on different topics. It also includes blog posts.
The C++ Programming Language (4th Edition)
The book provides complete guide to C++ language, its features, and the design techniques used. It is authored by the creator of C++ himself, Bjarne Stroustrup. This is the new edition of the world’s most trusted and widely read guide to C++. It has also been comprehensively updated for the long-awaited C++11 standard.