C and C++ Programming Resources

How to succeed in the coding interviews?

How to succeed in the coding interviews?

The coding interview platform provided by several kinds of organizations is considered to be the best possible way of recruiting people who are the best fit for the organization. At the time of hiring the people for technical jobs, it is very much important to judge their technical skills and the first barrier to entry in this particular concept can be termed as the technical or coding interview.

Panda3D – Open Source Framework for 3D Rendering and Games

Panda3D – Open Source Framework for 3D Rendering and Games

Panda3D is an open source, multi-platform, 3D rendering engine for developing games and VR (Virtual Reality). It was developed by Disney Interactive in 2002. It is written in C++ and Python. This engine targets the platforms of Windows, Linux, MacOS and Silicon Graphics workstations running Irix. The most stable version of this engine is released in 19 March, 2020. Panda3D is a free licensed engine under BSD license.

World’s Largest Wind-Powered Vessel

World’s Largest Wind-Powered Vessel

The Phoenix Project
Transform your IT and business with The Phoenix Project – the gripping story that redefines how we think about DevOps and innovation!
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Sweden’s new car carrier is the world’s largest wind-powered vessel. Oceanbird may resemble a ship of things to come, yet it beholds back to antiquated sea history – in light of the fact that it’s controlled by the breeze.