Ternary Operator with examples in C++
In C++, ternary operator allows executing different code depending on the value of a condition, and the result of the expression is the result of the executed code. The ternary operator uses 3 operands. It evaluates a condition and after that chooses one of its two branches to execute, depending upon the result of condition. The symbol for ternary operator is “? :”. The syntax for the ternary operator is: ? : ;
Polymorphism in C++
Simply speaking, polymorphism is the ability of something to be displayed in multiple forms. Let’s take a real life scenario; a person at the same time can perform several duties as per demand, in the particular scenario. Such as, a man at a same time can serve as a father, as a husband, as a son, and as an employee. So, single person possess different behaviors in respective situations. This is the real life example of polymorphism. Polymorphism is one of the important features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Effective Modern C++
Effective Modern C++ follows the proven guideline-based, example-driven format of Scott Meyers’ earlier books, but covers entirely new material. This book describes how to write effective software using C++11 and C++14—i.e. using modern C++.
The C++ Modulus Operator [mod or % operator]
The C++ language provides a built-in mechanism, the modulus operator (mod or %), that computes the remainder that results from performing integer division.
Find the middle element of linked list in C
In order to find middle element of linked list in one pass, you need to maintain two pointers, one increment at each node while other increments after two nodes at a time. By having this arrangement, when first pointer reaches end, second pointer will point to middle element of linked list.