ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is a character encoding standard that represents characters such as letters, numbers, and symbols as numbers between 0 and 127. ASCII codes are used to represent text in computers and other devices.
It is a 7-bit character code where each individual bit represents a unique character. So a maximum of 128 characters are represented in ASCII Standard which first 32 are control characters which were designed to control computer hardware. These are the standard characters used for most computer systems.
- List of all ASCII Characters and Description
- C Program to Print ASCII Characters
- C++ Program to Print ASCII Characters
- Python Program to Print ASCII Characters
- C# Program to Print ASCII Characters
- References
List of all ASCII Characters and Description
Decimal Number | OCT Number | HEX Number | BIN Number | Symbol | Description |
0 | 000 | 00 | 0000000 | NUL | Null character |
1 | 001 | 01 | 0000001 | SOH | Start of Heading |
2 | 002 | 02 | 0000010 | STX | Start of Text |
3 | 003 | 03 | 0000011 | ETX | End of Text |
4 | 004 | 04 | 0000100 | EOT | End of Transmission |
5 | 005 | 05 | 0000101 | ENQ | Enquiry |
6 | 006 | 06 | 0000110 | ACK | Acknowledge |
7 | 007 | 07 | 0000111 | BEL | Bell, Alert |
8 | 010 | 08 | 0001000 | BS | Backspace |
9 | 011 | 09 | 0001001 | HT | Horizontal Tab |
10 | 012 | 0A | 0000101 | LF | Line Feed |
11 | 013 | 0B | 0001011 | VT | Vertical Tabulation |
12 | 014 | 0C | 0001100 | FF | Form Feed |
13 | 015 | 0D | 0001101 | CR | Carriage Return |
14 | 016 | 0E | 0001110 | SO | Shift Out |
15 | 017 | 0F | 0001111 | SI | Shift In |
16 | 020 | 10 | 0010000 | DLE | Data Link Escape |
17 | 021 | 11 | 0010001 | DC1 | Device Control One (XON) |
18 | 022 | 12 | 0010010 | DC2 | Device Control Two |
19 | 023 | 13 | 0010011 | DC3 | Device Control Three (XOFF) |
20 | 024 | 14 | 0010100 | DC4 | Device Control Four |
21 | 025 | 15 | 0010101 | NAK | Negative Acknowledge |
22 | 026 | 16 | 0010110 | SYN | Synchronous Idle |
23 | 027 | 17 | 0010111 | ETB | End of Transmission Block |
24 | 030 | 18 | 0011000 | CAN | Cancel |
25 | 031 | 19 | 0011001 | EM | End of medium |
26 | 032 | 1A | 0011010 | SUB | Substitute |
27 | 033 | 1B | 0011011 | ESC | Escape |
28 | 034 | 1C | 0011100 | FS | File Separator |
29 | 035 | 1D | 0011101 | GS | Group Separator |
30 | 036 | 1E | 0011110 | RS | Record Separator |
31 | 037 | 1F | 0011111 | US | Unit Separator |
32 | 040 | 20 | 0100000 | SP | Space character |
33 | 041 | 21 | 0100001 | ! | exclamation mark |
34 | 042 | 22 | 0100010 | “ | quotation mark |
35 | 043 | 23 | 0100011 | # | number sign |
36 | 044 | 24 | 0100100 | $ | dollar currency sign |
37 | 045 | 25 | 0100101 | % | percent sign |
38 | 046 | 26 | 0100110 | & | Ampersand (also used as and) |
39 | 047 | 27 | 0100111 | ‘ | Apostrophe (also known as single quote) |
40 | 050 | 28 | 0101000 | ( | left parenthesis |
41 | 051 | 29 | 0101001 | ) | right parenthesis |
42 | 052 | 2A | 0101010 | * | asterisk |
43 | 053 | 2B | 0101011 | + | plus sign |
44 | 054 | 2C | 0101100 | , | comma |
45 | 055 | 2D | 0101101 | – | hyphen |
46 | 056 | 2E | 0101110 | . | period |
47 | 057 | 2F | 0101111 | / | slash |
48 | 060 | 30 | 0110000 | 0 | number 0 |
49 | 061 | 31 | 0110001 | 1 | number 1 |
50 | 062 | 32 | 0110010 | 2 | number 2 |
51 | 063 | 33 | 0110011 | 3 | number 3 |
52 | 064 | 34 | 0110100 | 4 | number 4 |
53 | 065 | 35 | 0110101 | 5 | number 5 |
54 | 066 | 36 | 0110110 | 6 | number 6 |
55 | 067 | 37 | 0110111 | 7 | number 7 |
56 | 070 | 38 | 0111000 | 8 | number 8 |
57 | 071 | 39 | 0111001 | 9 | number 9 |
58 | 072 | 3A | 0111010 | : | colon |
59 | 073 | 3B | 0111011 | ; | semicolon |
60 | 074 | 3C | 0111100 | < | less-than |
61 | 075 | 3D | 0111101 | = | equals-to |
62 | 076 | 3E | 0111110 | > | greater-than |
63 | 077 | 3F | 0111111 | ? | question mark |
64 | 100 | 40 | 1000000 | @ | at sign |
65 | 101 | 41 | 1000001 | A | uppercase letter A |
66 | 102 | 42 | 1000010 | B | uppercase letter B |
67 | 103 | 43 | 1000011 | C | uppercase letter C |
68 | 104 | 44 | 1000100 | D | uppercase letter D |
69 | 105 | 45 | 1000101 | E | uppercase letter E |
70 | 106 | 46 | 1000110 | F | uppercase letter F |
71 | 107 | 47 | 1000111 | G | uppercase letter G |
72 | 110 | 48 | 1001000 | H | uppercase letter H |
73 | 111 | 49 | 1001001 | I | uppercase letter I |
74 | 112 | 4A | 1001010 | J | uppercase letter J |
75 | 113 | 4B | 1001011 | K | uppercase letter K |
76 | 114 | 4C | 1001100 | L | uppercase letter L |
77 | 115 | 4D | 1001101 | M | uppercase letter M |
78 | 116 | 4E | 1001110 | N | uppercase letter N |
79 | 117 | 4F | 1001111 | O | uppercase letter O |
80 | 120 | 50 | 1010000 | P | uppercase letter P |
81 | 121 | 51 | 1010001 | Q | uppercase letter Q |
82 | 122 | 52 | 1010010 | R | uppercase letter R |
83 | 123 | 53 | 1010011 | S | uppercase letter S |
84 | 124 | 54 | 1010100 | T | uppercase letter T |
85 | 125 | 55 | 1010101 | U | uppercase letter U |
86 | 126 | 56 | 1010110 | V | uppercase letter V |
87 | 127 | 57 | 1010111 | W | uppercase letter W |
88 | 130 | 58 | 1011000 | X | uppercase letter X |
89 | 131 | 59 | 1011001 | Y | uppercase letter Y |
90 | 132 | 5A | 1011010 | Z | uppercase letter Z |
91 | 133 | 5B | 1011011 | [ | left square bracket |
92 | 134 | 5C | 1011100 | \ | backslash |
93 | 135 | 5D | 1011101 | ] | right square bracket |
94 | 136 | 5E | 1011110 | ^ | caret |
95 | 137 | 5F | 1011111 | _ | underscore |
96 | 140 | 60 | 1100000 | ` | grave accent |
97 | 141 | 61 | 1100001 | a | lowercase letter a |
98 | 142 | 62 | 1100010 | b | lowercase letter b |
99 | 143 | 63 | 1100011 | c | lowercase letter c |
100 | 144 | 64 | 1100100 | d | lowercase letter d |
101 | 145 | 65 | 1100101 | e | lowercase letter e |
102 | 146 | 66 | 1100110 | f | lowercase letter f |
103 | 147 | 67 | 1100111 | g | lowercase letter g |
104 | 150 | 68 | 1101000 | h | lowercase letter h |
105 | 151 | 69 | 1101001 | i | lowercase letter i |
106 | 152 | 6A | 1101010 | j | lowercase letter j |
107 | 153 | 6B | 1101011 | k | lowercase letter k |
108 | 154 | 6C | 1101100 | l | lowercase letter l |
109 | 155 | 6D | 1101101 | m | lowercase letter m |
110 | 156 | 6E | 1101110 | n | lowercase letter n |
111 | 157 | 6F | 1101111 | o | lowercase letter o |
112 | 160 | 70 | 1110000 | p | lowercase letter p |
113 | 161 | 71 | 1110001 | q | lowercase letter q |
114 | 162 | 72 | 1110010 | r | lowercase letter r |
115 | 163 | 73 | 1110011 | s | lowercase letter s |
116 | 164 | 74 | 1110100 | t | lowercase letter t |
117 | 165 | 75 | 1110101 | u | lowercase letter u |
118 | 166 | 76 | 1110110 | v | lowercase letter v |
119 | 167 | 77 | 1110111 | w | lowercase letter w |
120 | 170 | 78 | 1111000 | x | lowercase letter x |
121 | 171 | 79 | 1111001 | y | lowercase letter y |
122 | 172 | 7A | 1111010 | z | lowercase letter z |
123 | 173 | 7B | 1111011 | { | left curly brace |
124 | 174 | 7C | 1111100 | | | vertical bar (also known as pipe sign) |
125 | 175 | 7D | 1111101 | } | right curly brace |
126 | 176 | 7E | 1111110 | ~ | Tilde sign |
127 | 177 | 7F | 1111111 | DEL | Delete |
C Program to Print ASCII Characters
This program prints the ASCII character table. The program displays each character’s Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary, and Symbol representation. It uses a loop to iterate through all 128 ASCII values (0 to 127) and formats the output into neatly aligned columns. This is very handy C function for many programmers.
The program also, replaces non-printable ASCII characters (values 0–31 and 127) with a blank space (' '
) to avoid displaying unprintable symbols.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | #include <stdio.h> void printBinary(int num, char *binStr) { for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { binStr[7 - i] = (num & (1 << i)) ? '1' : '0'; } binStr[8] = '\0'; // Null-terminate the string } int main() { printf("Decimal Number\tOCT Number\tHEX Number\tBIN Number\tSymbol\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { char bin[9]; // Array to hold the binary string (8 bits + null terminator) printBinary(i, bin); // Replace non-printable characters with a blank space char symbol = (i >= 32 && i <= 126) ? i : ' '; printf("%d\t\t%03o\t\t%02X\t\t%s\t\t%c\n", i, i, i, bin, symbol); } return 0; } |
C++ Program to Print ASCII Characters
This C++ program generates and displays the ASCII character table in a structured format. It lists each ASCII character’s Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal, Binary, and Symbol representations. The program is designed to iterate through all 128 ASCII values (from 0 to 127) and outputs the information in aligned columns for readability.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <bitset> using namespace std; int main() { // Print the header cout << "Decimal Number\tOCT Number\tHEX Number\tBIN Number\tSymbol" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { // Binary representation using std::bitset string binary = bitset<8>(i).to_string(); // Replace non-printable characters with a space char symbol = (i >= 32 && i <= 126) ? static_cast<char>(i) : ' '; // Print the row cout << setw(15) << i // Decimal number << setw(10) << oct << i // Octal number << setw(10) << hex << uppercase << i // Hexadecimal number << setw(15) << binary // Binary number << setw(10) << symbol // Symbol << endl; // Reset output stream formatting cout << dec; // Ensure decimal formatting is restored } return 0; } |
Python Program to Print ASCII Characters
The program uses Python’s format
function to convert each ASCII value into an 8-bit binary representation.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | # Function to generate an 8-bit binary representation def to_binary(num): return format(num, '08b') # Print the header print(f"{'Decimal Number':<15}{'OCT Number':<12}{'HEX Number':<12}{'BIN Number':<12}{'Symbol':<10}") # Iterate through all 128 ASCII characters for i in range(128): decimal = i # Decimal representation octal = format(i, '03o') # Octal representation hexadecimal = format(i, '02X') # Hexadecimal representation in uppercase binary = to_binary(i) # Binary representation symbol = chr(i) if 32 <= i <= 126 else ' ' # Display symbol or blank for non-printable characters # Print the row print(f"{decimal:<15}{octal:<12}{hexadecimal:<12}{binary:<12}{symbol:<10}") |
C# Program to Print ASCII Characters
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | using System; class AsciiTable { // Method to convert an integer to 8-bit binary string public static string ToBinary(int num) { return Convert.ToString(num, 2).PadLeft(8, '0'); } public static void Main() { // Print the header Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1,-12}{2,-12}{3,-12}{4,-10}", "Decimal Number", "OCT Number", "HEX Number", "BIN Number", "Symbol"); // Iterate through all 128 ASCII characters for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { int decimalValue = i; // Decimal representation string octal = Convert.ToString(i, 8); // Octal representation string hexadecimal = Convert.ToString(i, 16).ToUpper(); // Hexadecimal representation in uppercase string binary = ToBinary(i); // Binary representation // Display symbol or blank for non-printable characters string symbol = (i >= 32 && i <= 126) ? ((char)i).ToString() : " "; // Print the row with proper formatting Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1,-12}{2,-12}{3,-12}{4,-10}", decimalValue, octal, hexadecimal, binary, symbol); } } } |
Output of the Programs:
![ASCII Codes - Program Output](