This is the complete C source code of the most favorite flash game ‘Web Breaker’. The source code is written completely in C/C++ programming language. The game using 256 VGA graphics (which runs in DOS/Console graphics mode).
You can use any C++ compiler to build and run this code, however this source code is tested on Dev C++ compiler.
Brick Game Description
The game includes a paddle, a ball, and a set of bricks arranged in different layers. The paddle and ball are displayed using graphical shapes and images.
The game logic involves moving the ball, deflecting it off boundaries, and checking for collisions with the bricks. Bricks are represented in a 2D array, and their positions are updated as the ball hits them.
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The code checks for collisions between the ball and the bricks and then updates the game state accordingly. It also handles paddle movement using arrow keys and updates the paddle’s position.
Source Code of Brick Game
#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <process.h> #include <dos.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <ctype.h> #define NULL 0 #define YES 1 #define NO 0 int maxx, maxy, midx, midy; int bri[5][20]; void music(int); char mainscreen(); void drawbrick(int, int); void erasebrick(int, int); void bricks(void); int main() { union REGS ii, oo; int ballx, bally, paddlex; int paddley, dx = 1, dy = -1, oldx, oldy; int gm = CGAHI, gd = CGA, playerlevel; int i, flag = 0, speed = 25; int welldone = NO, score = 0, chance = 4, area; int layer[5] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 }, limit = 50, currentlayer = 4; char* p1, *p2; // initialise the graphics system initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TURBOC3\\BGI"); // get the maximum x and y screen coordinates maxx = getmaxx(); maxy = getmaxy(); // calculate center of screen midx = maxx / 2; midy = maxy / 2; // display opening screen and receive player's level playerlevel = mainscreen(); // set speed of ball as per the level chosen switch (playerlevel) { case 'A': case 'a': speed = 15; break; case 'E': case 'e': speed = 10; } // draw the bricks, the paddle and the ball rectangle(0, 0, maxx, maxy - 12); bricks(); rectangle(midx - 25, maxy - 7 - 12, midx + 25, maxy - 12); floodfill(midx, maxy - 1 - 12, 1); circle(midx, maxy - 13 - 12, 12); floodfill(midx, maxy - 10 - 12, 1); // allocate memory for storing the image of the paddle area = imagesize(midx - 12, maxy - 18, midx + 12, maxy - 8); p1 = (char*)malloc(area); // allocate memory for storing the image of the ball area = imagesize(midx - 25, maxy - 7, midx + 25, maxy - 1); p2 = (char*)malloc(area); // if memory allocation unsuccessful if (p1 == NULL || p2 == NULL) { puts("Insufficient memory!!"); exit(1); } // store the image of the paddle // and the ball into allocated memory getimage(midx - 12, maxy - 7 - 12 - 12 + 1, midx + 12, maxy - 8 - 12, p1); getimage(midx - 25, maxy - 7 - 12, midx + 25, maxy - 1 - 12, p2); // store current position of the paddle and ball paddlex = midx - 25; paddley = maxy - 7 - 12; ballx = midx - 12; bally = maxy - 7 - 12 + 1 - 12; // display balls in hand ( initially 3 ) gotoxy(45, 25); printf("Balls Remaining: "); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { circle(515 + i * 35, maxy - 5, 12); floodfill(515 + i * 35, maxy - 5, 1); } // display initial score gotoxy(1, 25); // select font and alignment for displaying text printf("Your Score: %4d", score); settextjustify(CENTER_TEXT, CENTER_TEXT); settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4); while (1) { // save the current x and y coordinates of the ball flag = 0; oldx = ballx; // update ballx and bally to move the ball in appropriate direction oldy = bally; ballx = ballx + dx; // as per the position of ball determine the layer of bricks to check bally = bally + dy; if (bally > 40) { limit = 50; currentlayer = 4; } else { if (bally > 30) { limit = 40; currentlayer = 3; } else { if (bally > 20) { limit = 30; currentlayer = 2; } else { if (bally > 10) { limit = 20; currentlayer = 1; } else { limit = 10; currentlayer = 0; } } } } // if the ball hits the left boundary, deflect it to the right if (ballx < 1) { music(5); ballx = 1; dx = -dx; } // if the ball hits the right boundary, deflect it to the left if (ballx > (maxx - 24 - 1)) { music(5); ballx = maxx - 24 - 1; dx = -dx; } // if the ball hits the top boundary, deflect it down if (bally < 1) { music(5); bally = 1; dy = -dy; } // if the ball is in the area occupied by the bricks if (bally < limit) { // if there is no brick present exactly at the top of the ball if (bri[currentlayer][(ballx + 10) / 32] == 1) { // determine if the boundary of the ball touches a brick for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { // check whether there is a brick to the right of the ball if (bri[currentlayer][(ballx + i + 10) / 32] == 0) { // if there is a brick ballx = ballx + i; flag = 1; break; } // check whether there is a brick to the left of the ball if (bri[currentlayer][(ballx - i + 10) / 32] == 0) { ballx = ballx - i; flag = 1; break; } } // if the ball does not touch a brick at the top, left or right if (!flag) { // check if the ball has moved above the current layer if (bally < layer[currentlayer - 1]) { // if so, change current layer appropriately currentlayer--; limit = layer[currentlayer]; } // put the image of the ball at the old coordinates // erase the image at the old coordinates putimage(oldx, oldy, p1, OR_PUT); // place the image of the ball at the new coordinates putimage(oldx, oldy, p1, XOR_PUT); // introduce delay putimage(ballx, bally, p1, XOR_PUT); delay(speed); // carry on with moving the ball continue; } } // control comes to this point only if the ball is touching a brick music(4); // play music // erase the brick hit by the ball // if the brick hit happens to be on the extreme right erasebrick((ballx + 10) / 32, currentlayer); // redraw right boundary // if the brick hit happens to be on the extreme left if ((ballx + 10) / 32 == 19) line(maxx, 0, maxx, 50); // redraw left boundary // if the brick hit happens to be in the topmost layer if ((ballx + 10) / 32 == 0) line(0, 0, 0, 50); // redraw top boundary set appropriate array element to 1 to indicate absence of brick if (currentlayer == 0) line(0, 0, maxx, 0); bri[currentlayer][(ballx + 10) / 32] = 1; bally = bally + 1; // update the y coordinate dy = -dy; // change the direction of the ball score += 5; // increment score gotoxy(16, 25); // print latest score if the first brick is hit during a throw printf("%4d", score); if (welldone == NO) welldone = YES; else { // for the consecutive bricks hit during the same throw outtextxy(midx, midy, "Well done!"); music(1); } } // clear part of the screen used for displaying Well done message if (bally > 50 && welldone == YES) { setviewport(midx - 32 * 2.5, midy - 32 / 2, midx + 32 * 2.5, midy + 32 / 2, 1); clearviewport(); setviewport(0, 0, maxx, maxy, 1); welldone = NO; } // if the ball has reached the bottom if (bally > 180 - 12) { welldone = NO; // if the paddle has missed the ball if (ballx < paddlex - 20 || ballx > paddlex + 50) { // continue the descent of the ball while (bally < 177) { // erase the image of the ball at the old coordinates // put the image of the ball at the updated coordinates putimage(oldx, oldy, p1, XOR_PUT); putimage(ballx, bally, p1, XOR_PUT); // introduce delay delay(speed); // save the current x and y coordinates of the ball oldx = ballx; // update ballx and bally to move the ball in appropriate direction oldy = bally; ballx = ballx + dx; bally = bally + dy; } chance--; // decrement the number of chances score -= 20; // decrement 20 points for each ball lost gotoxy(16, 25); printf("%4d", score); // print latest score music(2); // erase one out of the available balls // if the last ball is being played if (chance) putimage(515 + (chance - 1) * 35 - 12, maxy - 10, p1, XOR_PUT); if (chance == 1) { gotoxy(45, 25); printf("Your last ball... Be careful!"); } // if all the balls are lost if (!chance) { gotoxy(45, 25); printf("Press any key... "); outtextxy(midx, midy, "I warned you! Try again"); music(3); closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); exit(0); } } // if ball is collected on paddle music(5); bally = 180 - 12; // restore the y coordinate of ball dy = -dy; // deflect the ball upwards } // put the image of the ball at the old coordinates // erase the image of the ball at the old coordinates putimage(oldx, oldy, p1, OR_PUT); // put the image of the ball at the upadted coordinates putimage(oldx, oldy, p1, XOR_PUT); // if all the bricks have been destroyed putimage(ballx, bally, p1, XOR_PUT); if (score == 500 - ((4 - chance) * 20)) { outtextxy(midx, midy, "You win !!!"); if (score < 500) outtextxy(midx, midy + 30, "Try scoring 500"); else outtextxy(midx, midy + 30, "You are simply GREAT!"); music(3); closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); exit(0); } // introduce delay delay(speed); // if the user has pressed a key to move the paddle if (kbhit()) { // issue interrupt to obtain the ascii and scan codes of key hit ii.h.ah = 0; // put the image of the paddle at the old coordinates int86(22, &ii, &oo); // erase the image of the paddle at the old coordinates putimage(paddlex, paddley, p2, OR_PUT); // if Esc key has been pressed putimage(paddlex, paddley, p2, XOR_PUT); if (oo.h.ah == 1) exit(0); // right arrow key // left arrow key if (oo.h.ah == 75) paddlex = paddlex - 20; // if paddle goes beyond left boundary if (oo.h.ah == 77) paddlex = paddlex + 20; // if paddle goes beyond right boundary if (paddlex < 0) paddlex = 0; if (paddlex > 589) paddlex = 589; // put the image of the paddle at the proper position putimage(paddlex, paddley, p2, XOR_PUT); } } } // creates opening screen char mainscreen() { // array showing the positions where // a brick is needed to form the figure BRICKS int ff[12][40] = { 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0, 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0, 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1, 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0, 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0, 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0, 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1, 1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1, 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0, 0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, }; int i, j, lx = 0, ly = 0, ch; // draw boundary rectangle(0, 0, maxx, maxy); // form the word BRICKS for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 40; j++) { if (ff[i][j]) rectangle(lx, ly, lx + 15, ly + 9); lx = lx + 16; } lx = 0; ly = ly + 10; } // draw pattern at the bottom of the screen line(0, maxy - 12, maxx, maxy - 12); setfillstyle(XHATCH_FILL, WHITE); // draw the paddle and the ball floodfill(2, maxy - 2, WHITE); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE); rectangle(midx - 25, maxy - 7 - 12, midx + 25, maxy - 12); floodfill(midx, maxy - 1 - 12, 1); circle(midx, maxy - 13 - 12, 12); floodfill(midx, maxy - 10 - 12, 1); music(3); // play music // display menu while (1) { // clear the region below the word BRICKS setviewport(1, 125 - 12, maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 1); clearviewport(); setviewport(0, 0, maxx, maxy, 1); outtextxy(20, 135, "Select any of the following:"); outtextxy(20, 155, "Play ( P )"); outtextxy(20, 165, "Instructions ( I )"); outtextxy(20, 175, "Exit ( E )"); ch = 0; // continue till the correct choice is made while (!(ch == 'E' || ch == 'I' || ch == 'P')) { // if a special key is hit, flush the keyboard buffer fflush(stdin); if ((ch = getch()) == 0) getch(); else ch = toupper(ch); } if (ch == 'P') break; switch (ch) { case 'I': setviewport(1, 125 - 12, maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 1); clearviewport(); setviewport(0, 0, maxx, maxy, 1); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 1); outtextxy(20, 125, " Instructions "); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 0); outtextxy(20, 140, "Use left and right arrow keys to move paddle."); outtextxy(20, 150, "If you don't collect the ball on the paddle, you lose the ball."); outtextxy(20, 160, "On loosing a ball you loose 20 points."); outtextxy(20, 170, "On taking a brick you gain 5 points."); outtextxy(20, 185, "Press any key..."); fflush(stdin); if (getch() == 0) getch(); break; case 'E': closegraph(); restorecrtmode(); exit(0); } } setviewport(1, 125 - 12, maxx - 1, maxy - 1, 1); clearviewport(); // prompt the user for the level desired setviewport(0, 0, maxx, maxy, 1); outtextxy(20, 135, "Select any of the following levels:"); outtextxy(20, 155, "Novice ( N )"); outtextxy(20, 165, "Advanced ( A )"); outtextxy(20, 175, "Expert ( E )"); // get user's choice fflush(stdin); if ((ch = getch()) == 0) getch(); clearviewport(); // return the choice made by the user return (ch); } // draws bricks at the start of the game void bricks() { int i, j, lx = 0, ly = 0; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) // 5 rows { for (j = 0; j < 20; j++) // 20 columns { // draw a brick at appropriate coordinates drawbrick(lx, ly); lx = lx + 32; } lx = 0; ly = ly + 10; } } // draws a brick at the proper position void drawbrick(int lx, int ly) { rectangle(lx, ly, lx + 31, ly + 9); rectangle(lx + 2, ly - 2, lx + 31 - 2, ly + 9 - 2); floodfill(lx + 1, ly + 1, 2); } // erases the specified brick void erasebrick(int b, int l) { // b - brick number, l - layer setcolor(BLACK); rectangle(b * 32, l * 10, (b * 32) + 31, (l * 10) + 9); rectangle(b * 32 + 1, l * 10, (b * 32) + 31 - 1, (l * 10) + 9 - 1); rectangle(b * 32 + 2, l * 10, (b * 32) + 31 - 2, (l * 10) + 9 - 2); setcolor(WHITE); } // plays different types of music void music(int type) { // natural frequencies of 7 notes float octave[7] = { 130.81, 146.83, 164.81, 174.61, 196, 220, 246.94 }; int n, i; switch (type) { case 1: for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { sound(octave[i] * 8); delay(30); } nosound(); break; case 2: for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) { n = random(7); sound(octave[n] * 4); delay(100); } nosound(); break; case 3: while (!kbhit()) { n = random(7); sound(octave[n] * 4); delay(100); } nosound(); // flush the keyboard buffer if (getch() == 0) getch(); break; case 4: for (i = 4; i >= 0; i--) { sound(octave[i] * 4); delay(15); } nosound(); break; case 5: sound(octave[6] * 2); delay(50); nosound(); } }