Datagram Operations using C

Datagram Operations using C

The NetBIOS Datagram Program is a simple application designed to showcase the functionality of NetBIOS (Network Basic Input/Output System) in the context of datagram operations. NetBIOS is a communication protocol that allows applications on different computers to communicate over a local area network (LAN). Datagram operations involve sending and receiving data in a connectionless manner which makes it suitable for tasks such as broadcasting messages or targeted communication.

This application demonstrates the various datagram operations such as sending and receiving both directed and group datagrams as well as broadcast datagrams. The name service uses UDP Protocol on port 137. However, TCP/IP Protocol on port 137 can also be used in some cases.

cl -o Nbdgram.exe Nbdgram.c ..\Common\Nbcommon.obj Netapi32.lib User32.lib

Command Line Options
nbdgram.exe options

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  1. -n:NAME Register my unique name NAME
  2. -g:NAME Register my group name NAME
  3. -s I will be sending datagrams
  4. -c:xxx Number of datagrams to send
  5. -r:NAME The recipients NetBIOS name
  6. -b Use broadcast datagrams
  7. -a Receive datagrams for any NetBIOS name
  8. -l:xxx Send datagrams on LANA number xxx only
  9. -d:xxx Delay (in milliseconds) between sends

You need to be familiar with the following in order to properly compile and run this program.

  • The program relies on a Nbcommon library (Nbcommon.obj) for certain functions. Ensure it is available during compilation.
  • Understanding NetBIOS and networking concepts will enhance your comprehension of the program’s functionality.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "..\Common\nbcommon.h"

#define MAX_SESSIONS 254
#define MAX_NAMES 254

BOOL bSender = FALSE, // Send or receive datagrams
bRecvAny = FALSE, // Receive for any name
bUniqueName = TRUE, // Register my name as unique?
bBroadcast = FALSE, // Use broadcast datagrams?
bOneLana = FALSE; // Use all LANAs or just one?
char szLocalName[NCBNAMSZ + 1], // Local NetBIOS name
szRecipientName[NCBNAMSZ + 1]; // Recipients NetBIOS name
DWORD dwNumDatagrams = 25, // Number of datagrams to sen
dwOneLana, // If using one LANA, which one
dwDelay = 0; // Delay between datagram send

// Function: ValidateArgs
// Description:
// This function parses the command line arguments
// and sets various global flags indicating the selections.
void ValidateArgs(int argc, char** argv)
 int i;

 for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
  if (strlen(argv[i]) < 2) continue; if ((argv[i][0] == '-') || (argv[i][0] == '/')) {
   switch (tolower(argv[i][1])) {
   case 'n': // Use a unique name bUniqueName = TRUE; if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2)
    strcpy(szLocalName, &argv[i][3]);
   case 'g': // Use a group name
    bUniqueName = FALSE;
    if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2)
     strcpy(szLocalName, &argv[i][3]);
   case 's': // Send datagrams
    bSender = TRUE;
   case 'c': // Num datagrams to send or receive
    if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2)
     dwNumDatagrams = atoi(&argv[i][3]);
   case 'r': // Recipient's name for datagrams
    if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2)
     strcpy(szRecipientName, &argv[i][3]);
   case 'b': // Use broadcast datagrams
    bBroadcast = TRUE;
   case 'a': // Receive datagrams on any name
    bRecvAny = TRUE;
   case 'l': // Operate on this LANA only
    bOneLana = TRUE;
    if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2)
     dwOneLana = atoi(&argv[i][3]);
   case 'd': // Delay (millisecs) between sends
    if (strlen(argv[i]) > 2)
     dwDelay = atoi(&argv[i][3]);
    printf("usage: nbdgram ?\n");


// Function: DatagramSend
// Description:
// Send a directed datagram to the specified recipient on the
// specified LANA number from the given name number to the
// specified recipient. Also specified is the data buffer and
// the number of bytes to send.
int DatagramSend(int lana, int num, char* recipient,
 char* buffer, int buflen)
 NCB ncb;

 ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB));
 ncb.ncb_command = NCBDGSEND;
 ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana;
 ncb.ncb_num = num;
 ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)buffer;
 ncb.ncb_length = buflen;

 memset(ncb.ncb_callname, ' ', NCBNAMSZ);
 strncpy(ncb.ncb_callname, recipient, strlen(recipient));

 if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET)
  printf("Netbios: NCBDGSEND failed: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode);
  return ncb.ncb_retcode;
 return NRC_GOODRET;

// Function: DatagramSendBC
// Description:
// Send a broadcast datagram on the specified LANA number from the
// given name number. Also specified is the data buffer and number
// of bytes to send.
int DatagramSendBC(int lana, int num, char* buffer, int buflen)
 NCB ncb;

 ZeroMemory(&ncb, sizeof(NCB));
 ncb.ncb_command = NCBDGSENDBC;
 ncb.ncb_lana_num = lana;
 ncb.ncb_num = num;
 ncb.ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)buffer;
 ncb.ncb_length = buflen;

 if (Netbios(&ncb) != NRC_GOODRET)
  printf("Netbios: NCBDGSENDBC failed: %d\n", ncb.ncb_retcode);
  return ncb.ncb_retcode;
 return NRC_GOODRET;

// Function: DatagramRecv
// Description:
// Receive a datagram on the given LANA number directed towards the
// name represented by num. Data is copied into the supplied buffer.
// If hEvent is not zero then the receive call is made asynchronously
// with the supplied event handle. If num is 0xFF then listen for a
// datagram destined for any NetBIOS name registered by the process.
int DatagramRecv(PNCB pncb, int lana, int num, char* buffer,
 int buflen, HANDLE hEvent)
 ZeroMemory(pncb, sizeof(NCB));
 if (hEvent)
  pncb->ncb_command = NCBDGRECV | ASYNCH;
  pncb->ncb_event = hEvent;
  pncb->ncb_command = NCBDGRECV;
 pncb->ncb_lana_num = lana;
 pncb->ncb_num = num;
 pncb->ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)buffer;
 pncb->ncb_length = buflen;

 if (Netbios(pncb) != NRC_GOODRET)
  printf("Netbos: NCBDGRECV failed: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode);
  return pncb->ncb_retcode;
 return NRC_GOODRET;

// Function: DatagramRecvBC
// Description:
// Receive a broadcast datagram on the given LANA number.
// Data is copied into the supplied buffer. If hEvent is not zero
// then the receive call is made asynchronously with the supplied
// event handle.
int DatagramRecvBC(PNCB pncb, int lana, int num, char* buffer,
 int buflen, HANDLE hEvent)
 ZeroMemory(pncb, sizeof(NCB));
 if (hEvent)
  pncb->ncb_command = NCBDGRECVBC | ASYNCH;
  pncb->ncb_event = hEvent;
  pncb->ncb_command = NCBDGRECVBC;
 pncb->ncb_lana_num = lana;
 pncb->ncb_num = num;
 pncb->ncb_buffer = (PUCHAR)buffer;
 pncb->ncb_length = buflen;

 if (Netbios(pncb) != NRC_GOODRET)
  printf("Netbios: NCBDGRECVBC failed: %d\n", pncb->ncb_retcode);
  return pncb->ncb_retcode;
 return NRC_GOODRET;

// Function: main
// Description:
// Initialize the NetBIOS interface, allocate resources, and then
// send or receive datagrams according to the user's options.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
 LANA_ENUM lenum;
 int i, j;
 char szMessage[MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE],
  szSender[NCBNAMSZ + 1];
 DWORD* dwNum = NULL,

 ValidateArgs(argc, argv);
 // Enumerate and reset the LANA numbers
 if ((dwErr = LanaEnum(&lenum)) != NRC_GOODRET)
  printf("LanaEnum failed: %d\n", dwErr);
  return 1;
 if ((dwErr = ResetAll(&lenum, (UCHAR)MAX_SESSIONS,
  printf("ResetAll failed: %d\n", dwErr);
  return 1;
 // This buffer holds the name number for the NetBIOS name added
 // to each LANA
  sizeof(DWORD) * lenum.length);
 if (dwNum == NULL)
  printf("out of memory\n");
  return 1;
 // If we're going to operate only on one LANA register the name
 // only on that specified LANA; otherwise register it on all.
 if (bOneLana)
  if (bUniqueName)
   AddName(dwOneLana, szLocalName, &dwNum[0]);
   AddGroupName(dwOneLana, szLocalName, &dwNum[0]);
  for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
   if (bUniqueName)
    AddName(lenum.lana[i], szLocalName, &dwNum[i]);
    AddGroupName(lenum.lana[i], szLocalName, &dwNum[i]);
 // We are sending datagrams
 if (bSender)
  // Broadcast sender
  if (bBroadcast)
   if (bOneLana)
    // Broadcast the message on the one LANA only
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
      "[%03d] Test broadcast datagram", j);
     if (DatagramSendBC(dwOneLana, dwNum[0],
      szMessage, strlen(szMessage))
      != NRC_GOODRET)
      return 1;
    // Broadcast the message on every LANA on the local
    // machine
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
     for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
       "[%03d] Test broadcast datagram", j);
      if (DatagramSendBC(lenum.lana[i], dwNum[i],
       szMessage, strlen(szMessage))
       != NRC_GOODRET)
       return 1;
   if (bOneLana)
    // Send a directed message to the one LANA specified
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
      "[%03d] Test directed datagram", j);
     if (DatagramSend(dwOneLana, dwNum[0],
      szRecipientName, szMessage,
      strlen(szMessage)) != NRC_GOODRET)
      return 1;
    // Send a directed message to the each LANA on the
    // local machine
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
     for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
       "[%03d] Test directed datagram", j);
      printf("count: %d.%d\n", j, i);
      if (DatagramSend(lenum.lana[i], dwNum[i],
       szRecipientName, szMessage,
       strlen(szMessage)) != NRC_GOODRET)
       return 1;
 else // We are receiving datagrams
  NCB* ncb = NULL;
  char** szMessageArray = NULL;
  HANDLE* hEvent = NULL;
  DWORD dwRet;

  // Allocate an array of NCB structure to submit to each recv
  // on each LANA
  ncb = (NCB*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT,
   sizeof(NCB) * lenum.length);
  // Allocate an array of incoming data buffers
  szMessageArray = (char**)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,
   sizeof(char*) * lenum.length);
  for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
   szMessageArray[i] = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED,
  // Allocate an array of event handles for
  // asynchronous receives
   sizeof(HANDLE) * lenum.length);
  for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
   hEvent[i] = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);

  if (bBroadcast)
   if (bOneLana)
    // Post synchronous broadcast receives on
    // the one LANA specified
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
     if (DatagramRecvBC(&ncb[0], dwOneLana, dwNum[0],
      szMessageArray[0], MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE,
      return 1;
     FormatNetbiosName(ncb[0].ncb_callname, szSender);
     printf("%03d [LANA %d] Message: '%s' "
      "received from: %s\n", j,
      ncb[0].ncb_lana_num, szMessageArray[0],
    // Post asynchronous broadcast receives on each LANA
    // number available. For each command that succeeded
    // print the message otherwise cancel the command.
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
     for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
      dwBytesRead = MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE;
      if (DatagramRecvBC(&ncb[i], lenum.lana[i],
       dwNum[i], szMessageArray[i],
       MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE, hEvent[i])
       != NRC_GOODRET)
       return 1;
     dwRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(lenum.length,
      hEvent, FALSE, INFINITE);
     if (dwRet == WAIT_FAILED)
      printf("WaitForMultipleObjects failed: %d\n",
      return 1;
     for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
      if (ncb[i].ncb_cmd_cplt == NRC_PENDING)
       ncb[i].ncb_buffer[ncb[i].ncb_length] = 0;
       printf("%03d [LANA %d] Message: '%s' "
        "received from: %s\n", j,
        szMessageArray[i], szSender);
   if (bOneLana)
    // Make a blocking datagram receive on the specified
    // LANA number.
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
     if (bRecvAny)
      // Receive data destined for any NetBIOS name
      // in this process's name table.
      if (DatagramRecv(&ncb[0], dwOneLana, 0xFF,
       szMessageArray[0], MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE,
       NULL) != NRC_GOODRET)
       return 1;
      if (DatagramRecv(&ncb[0], dwOneLana,
       dwNum[0], szMessageArray[0],
       != NRC_GOODRET)
       return 1;
     FormatNetbiosName(ncb[0].ncb_callname, szSender);
     printf("%03d [LANA %d] Message: '%s' "
      "received from: %s\n", j,
      ncb[0].ncb_lana_num, szMessageArray[0],
    // Post asynchronous datagram receives on each LANA
    // available. For all those commands that succeeded,
    // print the data, otherwise cancel the command.
    for (j = 0; j < dwNumDatagrams; j++)
     for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
      if (bRecvAny)
       // Receive data destined for any NetBIOS
       // name in this process's name table.
       if (DatagramRecv(&ncb[i], lenum.lana[i],
        0xFF, szMessageArray[i],
        MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE, hEvent[i])
        != NRC_GOODRET)
        return 1;
       if (DatagramRecv(&ncb[i], lenum.lana[i],
        dwNum[i], szMessageArray[i],
        MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE, hEvent[i])
        != NRC_GOODRET)
        return 1;
     dwRet = WaitForMultipleObjects(lenum.length,
      hEvent, FALSE, INFINITE);
     if (dwRet == WAIT_FAILED)
      printf("WaitForMultipleObjects failed: %d\n",
      return 1;
     for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
      if (ncb[i].ncb_cmd_cplt == NRC_PENDING)
       ncb[i].ncb_buffer[ncb[i].ncb_length] = 0;
       printf("%03d [LANA %d] Message: '%s' "
        "from: %s\n", j, ncb[i].ncb_lana_num,
        szMessageArray[i], szSender);
  // Clean up
  for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
 // Clean things up
 if (bOneLana)
  DelName(dwOneLana, szLocalName);
  for (i = 0; i < lenum.length; i++)
   DelName(lenum.lana[i], szLocalName);

 return 0;
M. Saqib: Saqib is Master-level Senior Software Engineer with over 14 years of experience in designing and developing large-scale software and web applications. He has more than eight years experience of leading software development teams. Saqib provides consultancy to develop software systems and web services for Fortune 500 companies. He has hands-on experience in C/C++ Java, JavaScript, PHP and .NET Technologies. Saqib owns and write contents on since 2004.
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