This is graphic C program that can be used to store personal information of people such as name, telephone, mobile, fax, city and country.
//Address Book Program by //Manoj M // #include <fstream.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> #include <mouseptr.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <process.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "final\head.cpp" fstream adb; int button, x, y; struct CURSOR { int x1; int x2; int y; }; struct node { char ch; node *next; }*first = NULL, *temp; void refreshbox() { hidemouseptr(); setfillstyle(1, 15); bar(10, 25, getmaxx(), 459); showmouseptr(); } class menubutton { int x1, y1, x2, y2; char caption[25]; public: int flag; menubutton(int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2, char cap[25]) { x1 = a1; x2 = a2; y1 = b1; y2 = b2; strcpy(caption, cap); flag=0; } void draw() { hidemouseptr(); setfillstyle(1, 15); bar(x1, y1, x2, y2); setcolor(0); rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); setcolor(1); outtextxy(x1+10, y1+8, caption); showmouseptr(); } void onover() { hidemouseptr(); setfillstyle(1, 1); bar(x1+2, y1+2, x2-2, y2-2); setcolor(14); outtextxy(x1+10, y1+8, caption); showmouseptr(); } int check() { getmousepos(&button, &x, &y); int val; val = x>x1 && x<x2 && y>y1 && y<y2; return val; } }; void drawinterface() { setfillstyle(1, 15); bar(0, 0, getmaxx(), getmaxx()); setfillstyle(1, 1); bar(0, 460, getmaxx(), getmaxy()); setfillstyle(1, 2); bar(0, 460, 60, getmaxy()); setcolor(0); outtextxy(8, 466, "Start"); setcolor(15); outtextxy(10, 467, "Start"); } void initialize() { int gd=DETECT, gm; initgraph(&gd, &gm, ""); initmouse(); } void draw3dbox(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { hidemouseptr(); setcolor(7); line(x1, y1, x2, y1); line(x1, y1, x1, y2); setcolor(0); line(x1, y2, x2, y2); line(x1, y2+1, x2, y2+1); line(x2, y1, x2, y2); line(x2+1, y1, x2+1, y2); showmouseptr(); } void displaychar(int x, int y, char ch) { char str[2]; str[0]=ch; str[1]=0; outtextxy(x, y, str); } void entertext(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, node *string) { int flag=1; char ch; setcolor(0); rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); int tx, ty; int tm, cm; tx = x1+5; ty = y1+10; CURSOR cursor; cursor.x1 = x1+5; cursor.x2 = x1+10; cursor.y = y1+18; setcolor(0); line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); do { setcolor(0); rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2); ch = getch(); //*************************************************************************** if (ch>=33 && ch<=126 && !(ty>=y2-10)) { if ( !(ty>=y2-20 && tx>=x2-25) ) { node *newlink = new node; newlink = NULL; newlink->ch = ch; newlink->next=NULL; if (first==NULL) { first=newlink; } else { temp = first; while (temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; temp->next=newlink; } setcolor(15); line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); setcolor(0); displaychar(tx, ty, ch); tx+=8; tm = tx; cursor.x1+=8; cursor.x2+=8; cm = cursor.x1; if (tx>=x2-15) { tm=tx; tx=x1+5; ty+=8; cm = cursor.x1; cursor.x1 = x1+5; cursor.x2 = x1+10; cursor.y += 8 ; } line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } } //*************************************************************************** if (ch==8) { node *temp = first; node *ptr = temp; while (temp->next!=NULL) { ptr=temp; temp=temp->next; ch = temp->ch; } if (ptr==temp) first=NULL; setcolor(15); line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); ptr->next=NULL; displaychar(tx, ty, temp->ch); tx-=8; cursor.x1-=8; cursor.x2-=8; displaychar(tx, ty, temp->ch); if (tx<x1+5) { tx=tm-8; ty-=8; cursor.x1-=8; cursor.x2-=8; flag=0; } if (flag==0) { cursor.x1 = cm-8; cursor.x2 = cm; cursor.y -= 8; flag=1; } if (ty<y1+10) { tx = x1+5; ty = y1+10; cursor.x1 = x1+5; cursor.x2 = x1+10; cursor.y = y1+18; } displaychar(tx, ty, temp->ch); setcolor(0); line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } //*************************************************************************** if (ch==13) { setcolor(15); line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); tx = x1+5; ty+=8; cursor.x1 = x1+5; cursor.x2 = x1+10; cursor.y += 8; setcolor(0); line(cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); node *newlink = new node; newlink = NULL; newlink->ch = 32; newlink->next=NULL; if (first==NULL) { first=newlink; } else { temp = first; while (temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; temp->next=newlink; } } }while (ch!=27); string=first; first = string; } void enterlinetext(int x1, int y1, int x2, char *string, int opt=0) { /* OPTION USE 0 Files 1 Name 2 Numbers 3 Email 4 Address */ char *perm = NULL; char ch, sub[2]; int y2 = y1+25; int tx, ty; tx = x1+5; ty = y1+8; perm = string; sub[1] = 0; CURSOR cursor; cursor.x1 = x1+5; cursor.x2 = x1+10; cursor.y = y2-8; setcolor(0); rectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); *string =0; do { ch = getch(); sub[0] = ch; if ( ( isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch =='.' || ch =='_' || ch =='\\' || ch ==':' ) && cursor.x2<x2-10 && opt==0) { *string++ = ch; *string = 0; setcolor(0); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); setcolor(15); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); cursor.x1+=8; cursor.x2+=8; setcolor(0); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } if ( (isalpha(ch) || ch =='.' || ch ==' ') && cursor.x2<x2-10 && opt==1) { *string++ = ch; *string = 0; setcolor(0); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); setcolor(15); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); cursor.x1+=8; cursor.x2+=8; setcolor(0); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } if ( isdigit(ch) && cursor.x2<x2-10 && opt==2) { *string++ = ch; *string = 0; setcolor(0); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); setcolor(15); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); cursor.x1+=8; cursor.x2+=8; setcolor(0); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } if ( (isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch =='.' || ch =='_' || ch=='@') && cursor.x2<x2-10 && opt==3) { *string++ = ch; *string = 0; setcolor(0); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); setcolor(15); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); cursor.x1+=8; cursor.x2+=8; setcolor(0); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } if ( ( isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch =='.' || ch =='-' || ch ==',' || ch ==':' ) && cursor.x2<x2-10 && opt==4) { *string++ = ch; *string = 0; setcolor(0); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); setcolor(15); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); cursor.x1+=8; cursor.x2+=8; setcolor(0); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } else if ( ch == 8 && *perm!=0 ) { setcolor(15); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); string--; *string = 0; setcolor(0); outtextxy(tx, ty, perm); setcolor(15); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); cursor.x1-=8; cursor.x2-=8; setcolor(0); line( cursor.x1, cursor.y, cursor.x2, cursor.y); } }while (ch!=27 && ch!=13); } class { char name[50]; char nickname[50]; char job[50]; char email[50]; char telephone[20]; char mobile[20]; char fax[20]; char address[100]; char city[50]; char zip[20]; char country[50]; public: friend void adbkaddmenu(); friend void adbkremmenu(); friend void adbkviewmenu(); void reset() { strcpy(name, ""); strcpy(nickname, ""); strcpy(job, ""); strcpy(email, ""); strcpy(telephone, ""); strcpy(mobile, ""); strcpy(fax, ""); strcpy(address, ""); strcpy(city, ""); strcpy(zip, ""); strcpy(country, ""); } }info; void adbkaddmenu() { refreshbox(); hidemouseptr(); setcolor(0); outtextxy(45, 50, " Enter Name: "); outtextxy(45, 80, " Enter Nickname: "); outtextxy(45, 110, " Profession: "); outtextxy(45, 140, " E-mail ID: "); outtextxy(45, 170, " Telephone no.: "); outtextxy(45, 200, " Mobile no.: "); outtextxy(45, 230, " Fax: "); outtextxy(45, 260, " Address: "); outtextxy(45, 290, " City: "); outtextxy(45, 320, " Zip Code: "); outtextxy(45, 350, " Country: "); rectangle(200, 40, 400, 65); rectangle(200, 70, 400, 95); rectangle(200, 100, 400, 125); rectangle(200, 130, 500, 155); rectangle(200, 160, 400, 185); rectangle(200, 190, 400, 215); rectangle(200, 220, 400, 245); rectangle(200, 250, 500, 275); rectangle(200, 280, 400, 305); rectangle(200, 310, 400, 335); rectangle(200, 340, 400, 365); enterlinetext(200, 40, 400,, 1); enterlinetext(200, 70, 400, info.nickname, 1); enterlinetext(200, 100, 400, info.job, 1); enterlinetext(200, 130, 500,, 3); enterlinetext(200, 160, 400, info.telephone, 2); enterlinetext(200, 190, 400,, 2); enterlinetext(200, 220, 400, info.fax, 2); enterlinetext(200, 250, 500, info.address, 4); enterlinetext(200, 280, 400,, 1); enterlinetext(200, 310, 400,, 2); enterlinetext(200, 340, 400,, 1);"Address.dat", ios::app); adb.write((char*)&info, sizeof(info)); adb.close(); setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(5, 440, getmaxx()-5, 455); setcolor(14); outtextxy(20, 445, "Information successfully Added !"); getch(); showmouseptr(); } void adbkremmenu() { char *name=NULL; int flag=0; refreshbox(); hidemouseptr(); setcolor(0); outtextxy(100, 110, "Enter Name: "); enterlinetext(200, 100, 400, name, 1); fstream temp_file;"Address.dat", ios::in);"Temp.dat", ios::out);*)&info, sizeof(info)); while(!adb.eof()) { if (strcmpi(name,!=0) temp_file.write((char*)&info, sizeof(info)); else flag=1;*)&info, sizeof(info)); } if (strcmpi(name,!=0 && flag==0) temp_file.write((char*)&info, sizeof(info)); else flag=1; temp_file.close(); adb.close(); if (flag==1) { setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(5, 440, getmaxx()-5, 455); setcolor(14); outtextxy(20, 445, "Information successfully Deleted !"); getch(); } else if (flag==0) { setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(5, 440, getmaxx()-5, 455); setcolor(14); outtextxy(20, 445, "Information Not Found !"); getch(); } remove("Address.dat"); rename("Temp.dat", "Address.dat"); info.reset(); showmouseptr(); } void adbkviewmenu() { char *name=NULL; char *str=NULL; int flag=0; refreshbox(); hidemouseptr(); setcolor(0); outtextxy(100, 40, "Enter Name: "); enterlinetext(200, 40, 400, name, 1);"Address.dat", ios::in|ios::app); int abc=0; if(!adb) outtextxy(10, 10, "problem");*)&info, sizeof(info));*)&info, sizeof(info)); abc=adb.tellg(); while (!adb.eof()) { if (strcmpi(name, { strcpy(str, "Name: "); strcat(str,; outtextxy(80, 70, str); strcpy(str, "Nickname: "); strcat(str, info.nickname); outtextxy(80, 100, str); strcpy(str, "Profession: "); strcat(str, info.job); outtextxy(80, 130, str); strcpy(str, "Email ID: "); strcat(str,; outtextxy(80, 160, str); strcpy(str, "Telephone: "); strcat(str, info.telephone); outtextxy(80, 190, str); strcpy(str, "Mobile: "); strcat(str,; outtextxy(80, 220, str); strcpy(str, "Fax: "); strcat(str, info.fax); outtextxy(80, 250, str); strcpy(str, "Address: "); strcat(str, info.address); outtextxy(80, 280, str); strcpy(str, "City: "); strcat(str,; outtextxy(80, 310, str); strcpy(str, "Zip Code: "); strcat(str,; outtextxy(80, 340, str); strcpy(str, "Country: "); strcat(str,; outtextxy(80, 370, str); flag=1; break; }*)&info, sizeof(info)); if (adb.eof()) break; } adb.close(); if (flag==1) { setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(5, 440, getmaxx()-5, 455); setcolor(14); outtextxy(20, 445, "Hit any key to continue..."); } else if (flag==0) { setfillstyle(1, 4); bar(5, 440, getmaxx()-5, 455); setcolor(14); outtextxy(20, 445, "Information not found !"); } getch(); showmouseptr(); } void main() { initialize(); drawinterface(); showmouseptr(); menubutton adbkadd(200, 150, 370, 180, "Add Entry"); menubutton adbkrem(200, 200, 370, 230, "Delete Entry"); menubutton adbkview(200, 250, 370, 280, "View Entry"); menubutton adbkqt(200, 300, 370, 330, "Back"); hidemouseptr(); restrictmouseptr(0, 0, getmaxx(), 459); setfillstyle(1, 1); bar(4, 4, getmaxx()-4, 24); setcolor(15); outtextxy(250, 10, "ADDRESS BOOK"); adbkadd.draw(); adbkrem.draw(); adbkview.draw(); adbkqt.draw(); draw3dbox(2, 2, getmaxx()-2, 457); showmouseptr(); do { getmousepos(&button, &x, &y); if (adbkadd.check() && adbkadd.flag==0) { adbkadd.onover(); adbkadd.flag=1; } if (!adbkadd.check() && adbkadd.flag==1) { adbkadd.draw(); adbkadd.flag=0; } if ((button&1)==1 && adbkadd.check()) { adbkadd.flag=2; adbkrem.flag=2; adbkview.flag=2; adbkqt.flag=2; adbkaddmenu(); refreshbox(); adbkadd.draw(); adbkrem.draw(); adbkview.draw(); adbkqt.draw(); adbkadd.flag=0; adbkrem.flag=0; adbkview.flag=0; adbkqt.flag=0; } if (adbkrem.check() && adbkrem.flag==0) { adbkrem.onover(); adbkrem.flag=1; } if (!adbkrem.check() && adbkrem.flag==1) { adbkrem.draw(); adbkrem.flag=0; } if ( (button & 1)==1 && adbkrem.check() ) { adbkadd.flag=2; adbkrem.flag=2; adbkview.flag=2; adbkqt.flag=2; adbkremmenu(); refreshbox(); adbkadd.draw(); adbkrem.draw(); adbkview.draw(); adbkqt.draw(); adbkadd.flag=0; adbkrem.flag=0; adbkview.flag=0; adbkqt.flag=0; } if (adbkview.check() && adbkview.flag==0) { adbkview.onover(); adbkview.flag=1; } if (!adbkview.check() && adbkview.flag==1) { adbkview.draw(); adbkview.flag=0; } if ( (button & 1)==1 && adbkview.check() ) { adbkadd.flag=2; adbkrem.flag=2; adbkview.flag=2; adbkqt.flag=2; adbkviewmenu(); refreshbox(); adbkadd.draw(); adbkrem.draw(); adbkview.draw(); adbkqt.draw(); adbkadd.flag=0; adbkrem.flag=0; adbkview.flag=0; adbkqt.flag=0; } if (adbkqt.check() && adbkqt.flag==0) { adbkqt.onover(); adbkqt.flag=1; } if (!adbkqt.check() && adbkqt.flag==1) { adbkqt.draw(); adbkqt.flag=0; } if ((button&1)==1 && adbkqt.check()) break; }while (1); }