This a database management project that demonstrate the database operations. The operations include add, edit and delete the records. User can also search the records.
// //student of BCE # include < iostream.h > # include < conio.h > # include < fstream.h > # include < dos.h > # include < stdio.h > # include < string.h > # include < stdlib.h > # include < graphics.h > //function declaration phase int alphachk(char string[], int); int emptychk(char field[]); int doublechk(char field[]); void processing(); void enter(); void display(); void del(); void search(); //class declaration phase class log { public: char article[18]; char brand[18]; char modle[12]; char sep[8]; unsigned int quant; unsigned int price; }; //global variables int deletion = 0; int exiting = 0; int initial = 0; int searching = 0; //body of main function void main() { char choice; initial = 1; processing(); do { clrscr(); cout << "\n" << __TIME__ << ", " << __DATE__ << ". "<<"This (MENU BASED DATABASE.) Bis a COPYRIGHT(C) SOFTSOLUTIONS(R)."; cout << "Enter \"E\" to ENTER Record.\n"; cout << " Enter \"D\" to DISPLAY Record.\n"; cout << " Enter \"T\" to DELETE Record.\n"; cout << " Enter \"S\" to SEARCH Record.\n"; cout << " Enter \"X\" to EXIT.\n"; cout << "\n Enter Choice :"; _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); choice = getch(); switch (choice) { case 'E': case 'e': processing(); enter(); break; case 'D': case 'd': processing(); display(); break; case 'T': case 't': processing(); del(); break; case 'S': case 's': processing(); search(); break; case 'X': case 'x': exiting++; processing(); exit(0); default: cout << "INVALID ENTRY!"; getch(); } } while (choice != 'A' || choice != 'a' || choice != 'D' || choice != 'd' || choice != 'E' || choice != 'e' || choice != 'B' || choice != 'b' || choice != 'C' || choice != 'c' || choice != 'X' || choice != 'x'); } //function to take onlyalphabets int alphachk(char string[], int len) { int a = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!((string[i] >= 65 && string[i] < 91) || (string[i] > 96 && string[i] < 123) || (string[i] == 32)) ) ++a; } if (a == 0) return 0; else cout << "Only Alphabatical value required! ENTER AGAIN"; getch(); return 1; } //fuction to check and emptyentry int emptychk(char field[]) { if (field[0] == 32 || field[0] == '\0') { cout << "You cannot leave this field empty! ENTER AGAIN"; getch(); return 1; } else return 0; } //function to check double entry// int doublechk(char field[]) { ifstream ptr1; log phy1; int flag = 0;"record.dat", ios::in); do { if ((strcmpi(field, phy1.modle)) == 0) flag = 1; } while (*)&phy1, sizeof(phy1)) && !flag); ptr1.close(); if (flag == 1) { cout << "Data already exist! ENTER AGAIN"; getch(); } return flag; } //function to display processing bar// void processing() { _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); clrscr(); if (initial == 1) { gotoxy(34, 10); cout << "LOADING file..."; gotoxy(34, 11); cout << "please wait"; initial = 0; } else if (deletion == 1) { gotoxy(34, 10); cout << "DELETIG DATA..."; deletion = 0; } else if (searching == 1) { gotoxy(34, 10); cout << "SEARCHING DATA..."; searching = 0; } else if ((deletion == 0 && exiting == 0 && searching == 0)) { clrscr(); gotoxy(34, 10); cout << "PROCESSING..."; } gotoxy(15, 20); cout << "\n"; gotoxy(15, 21); cout << "\n"; gotoxy(15, 22); cout << "\xDB"; for (int i = 0; i < 46; i++) { delay(30 + i); if ((exiting != 0) && i <= 23) { gotoxy(30, 10); cout << "saving changes... "; } else if ((exiting != 0) && i >= 23) { gotoxy(30, 10); cout << "exiting........"; } gotoxy(17 + i, 21); cout << ""; } textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(RED); clrscr(); } //function to take entery// void enter() { _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); int ch; char c1[] = "monitor", c2[] = "speaker", c3[] = "RAM", c4[] = "CPU", c5[] = "HDD"; int choice; log phy; ofstream ptr; do { do { clrscr(); gotoxy(5, 3); cout << " 1\t\t2\t\t3\t\t4\t\t5"; gotoxy(5, 5); cout << "monitors\tspeakers\tRAM\t CPU\t HDD"; gotoxy(5, 10); cout << "NOTE: All the asseseries such as casing, floppy drives and cddrives \n\t \ are included to change the specifications contact ourasinistrator \n\t\t\t\tTHANK YOU"; gotoxy(5, 15); cout << "\n\tenter product no. to enter (6 for any other) : "; cin >> choice; if (choice >= 1 && choice <= 6) break; else { gotoxy(5, 17); cout << "invalid entry re enter : "; } } while (1); do {"record.dat", ios::app); clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); if (choice == 1) strcpy(phy.article, c1); if (choice == 2) strcpy(phy.article, c2); if (choice == 3) strcpy(phy.article, c3); if (choice == 4) strcpy(phy.article, c4); if (choice == 5) strcpy(phy.article, c5); if (choice == 6) { cout << "Enter name of Article : "; gets(phy.article); } } while (alphachk(phy.article, strlen(phy.article)) || emptychk(phy.article)); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Enter name of Manufecturer/Brand : "; gets(phy.brand); } while ((alphachk(phy.brand, strlen(phy.brand))) || (emptychk(phy.brand))); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Enter Modle : "; gets(phy.modle); } while ((doublechk(phy.modle)) || (emptychk(phy.modle))); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); if (choice == 3 || choice == 4) cout << "Enter Memory/Clock speed : "; else if (choice == 1) cout << "Enter size in inches : "; else if (choice == 2) cout << "Enter power : "; else if (choice == 5) cout << "enter capacity in GB : "; else cout << "any specifications : "; gets(phy.sep); } while (emptychk(phy.sep)); clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Enter Quantity : "; cin >> phy.quant; clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Enter Price : "; cin >> phy.price; ptr.write((char*)&phy, sizeof phy); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Do you want to enter more data : "; ch = getche(); ptr.close(); } while (!(ch == 'Y' || ch == 'y' || ch == 'N' || ch == 'n')); } while (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y'); processing(); } //function to display existing records// void display() { _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); int i = 5; ifstream ptr2; struct log phy2;"record.dat", ios::out); gotoxy(2, 2); cout << "Article"; gotoxy(17, 2); cout << "Brand"; gotoxy(32, 2); cout << "Model"; gotoxy(47, 2); cout << "Specification"; gotoxy(62, 2); cout << "Price"; gotoxy(70, 2); cout << "Quantity"; cout << "\n****************************************************************************\n"; while (*)&phy2, sizeof phy2)) { gotoxy(2, i); cout << phy2.article; gotoxy(17, i); cout << phy2.brand; gotoxy(32, i); cout << phy2.modle; gotoxy(47, i); cout << phy2.sep; gotoxy(62, i); cout << phy2.price; gotoxy(70, i); cout << phy2.quant; i += 2; } ptr2.close(); getch(); processing(); } //function to delete records// void del() { _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); log phy4; int delcount = 0; char kmodel[18]; ifstream ptr4; ofstream ptr5; clrscr(); char choice; int choice1; do { delcount = 0; _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "Are You Sure To Delete Records (y/n) : "; cin >> choice; } while (!(choice == 'y' || choice == 'n')); clrscr(); if (choice == 'n') {} else if (choice == 'y') { gotoxy(10, 8); cout << "NOTE: the compatibility is highly case sensitive "; gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "enter the product name to be deleted :"; gets(kmodel); searching = 1; processing(); ofstream ptr5;"record.dat", ios::in);"removerecord.dat", ios::out); while ((*)&phy4, sizeof(phy4)))) { if ((strcmp(kmodel, phy4.article)) != 0) { ptr5.write((char*)&phy4, sizeof(phy4)); } else delcount++; } ptr4.close(); ptr5.close(); ofstream ptr6; ifstream ptr7;"record.dat", ios::out);"removerecord.dat", ios::in); while (*)&phy4, sizeof phy4)) { ptr6.write((char*)&phy4, sizeof phy4); } ptr6.close(); ptr7.close();"removerecord.dat", ios::out); ptr7.close(); if (delcount == 0) { gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "NO SUCH RECORD FOUND \n UNABLE TO DELETE DATA"; } else { deletion = 1; processing(); } } getch(); do { clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "1 : return to deletion menu "; gotoxy(10, 12); cout << "2 : exit "; cin >> choice1; } while (!(choice1 == 1 || choice1 == 2)); } while (choice1 == 1); //else; } //function to search arecord// void search() { _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); searching = 1; ifstream ptr3; log phy6; char choice; do { searching = 1; int i = 5; _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); clrscr();"record.dat", ios::in); char kmodel[18]; gotoxy(10, 8); cout << "NOTE : the search is highly case sensitive "; gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "enter a product to search : "; gets(kmodel); processing(); clrscr(); cout << "\n***********************\n"; gotoxy(2, 3); cout << "Article"; gotoxy(17, 3); cout << "Brand"; gotoxy(32, 3); cout << "Model"; gotoxy(47, 3); cout << "Specification"; gotoxy(62, 3); cout << "Price"; gotoxy(70, 3); cout << "Quantity"; while ((*)&phy6, sizeof(phy6)))) { if ((strcmp(kmodel, phy6.article)) == 0) { gotoxy(2, i); cout << phy6.article; gotoxy(17, i); cout << phy6.brand; gotoxy(32, i); cout << phy6.modle; gotoxy(47, i); cout << phy6.sep; gotoxy(62, i); cout << phy6.price; gotoxy(70, i); cout << phy6.quant; i++; } } ptr3.close(); if (i == 5) { _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); clrscr(); gotoxy(10, 10); cout << "NO RECORD FOUND, MODIFY THE SEARCH"; gotoxy(10, 11); cout << "search again (y/n)"; cin >> choice; } else break; } while (choice == 'y'); getch(); } //endofprogramm//