This is an enhanced version of Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) game by adding one more row and column. Actually I have played this newer version of Tic-Tac-Toe (TTT) game on a video game. So, when I learnt C/C++ programming, it was my wish to program this game myself using C/C++.

As in basic Tic-Tac-Toe game game you win when you complete a line either in vertical, horizontal or diagonal orientation. Same in this game you will win when you have same sign in all four boxes, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Also, this makes the game more interesting when you have also some sequence in your sign in different boxes, eg. if you have same sign say ‘x’ in the same column of 4 different boxes, or you have ‘x’ in first box of first column, second box in second column, third box in third column, fourth box in fourth column. There are 13 ways you can win. You can try the game and try to understand the winning sequence. Its very interesting game.

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Enhanced Tic Tac Toe Game - Player Selection
Enhanced Tic Tac Toe Game – Player Selection

I developed it to play it with another player. But, when you will try to play this game with computer, the computer will give you very easy response, so that you can win easily. I am still working on computer’s play by using artificial intelligence. Still, you can play it with another player giving a tough and interesting competition.

If you want further information you can contact me at dheerajvaid[at] or on my mobile +91-93161-61666 & also thanks to Administrator to place my code in his site.