This Java code simulates a banking system with multiple accounts and transactions using threads.

The demo uses Bank, Clerk and Account and Transaction objects to complete the operation. Actually this demo shows how you can use threads to perform the tasks in their own capacity and utilize the maximum system resources. What we do is, we have two clerks and they will do the work separately from each other hence they will work faster using threads. Clerk class implements Runnable interface so that its object will be a thread.

The output of the program includes detailed information about each account, including the original and final balances, the number of credits and debits, and the total credits and debits. This helps verify that the banking operations are performed correctly.

Java Bank Transactions Source Code

How this Java Threads Code works?

Here is the break down of the Java code step by step:

BankOperation Class (Main Class):

  • It initializes arrays for initial balances, total credits, total debits, number of credits, and number of debits.
  • Creates a Bank instance, two Clerk instances, and an array of Account instances.
  • Creates two threads for the clerks and starts them.
  • Generates random transactions (credits and debits) and passes them to the clerks for processing.
  • Waits for both clerks to finish processing transactions.
  • Outputs the final results, including account details, number of credits, number of debits, original balance, total credits, total debits, and final balance.

Bank Class:

  • This class contains a method doTransaction that performs either credit or debit transactions based on the input Transaction object.
  • Uses synchronization to ensure thread safety when accessing account balances.

Account Class:

  • Represents a customer account with an account number, balance, and methods to get and set the balance.

Clerk Class:

  • Implements the Runnable interface to work as a separate thread.
  • Contains a list (inTray) to hold transactions.
  • Implements methods to receive transactions (doTransaction), process transactions (run), and check if the clerk is busy (isBusy).
  • Uses synchronization and waits for proper thread coordination.

Transaction Class:

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  • This class represents a transaction with an associated account, transaction type (debit or credit), and amount.
  • Provides methods to get account details, transaction type, amount, and a string representation.

The wait and notifyAll mechanisms ensure proper synchronization between the main thread, clerks, and bank transactions.