This Java program calculates and displays information about the volumes of the Earth and the Sun. It also show the ratio of their volumes. Here’s a step-by-step explanation for a novice Java programmer:

Variable Initialization:

  • sunRad and earthRad are initialized with the radii of the Sun and Earth respectively.
  • fourOverThree is set to the value of 4.0 divided by 3.0.
  • sunVol, earthVol, and ratioVol are declared and initialized to 0.

Volume Calculation:

  • Using the formula for the volume of a sphere (V = 4/3 * π * r^3), the program calculates the volumes of the Earth (earthVol) and the Sun (sunVol).
  • Math.pow(x, y) is used to raise a number to the power of another.

Volume Ratio Calculation:

  • The program calculates the ratio of the Sun’s volume to the Earth’s volume (ratioVol).

Output in Words:

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  • The program then prints the results to the console using System.out.println.
  • The volumes of the Earth and the Sun are displayed in cubic miles, and the ratio of the Sun’s volume to the Earth’s volume is shown.

Additional Method (convertToWords):

  • To make the output more readable we have written a method called convertToWords.
  • This method takes a double value and converts it to words, appending appropriate unit names (thousand, million, etc.).