This is a visual basic 6.0 source code that counts the number of words in a specified string. This function can be useful in Text editors or where you want to tell the user that how much words have been inputted in the text field.
'* MYCPLUS Sample Code - *
'* *
'* This code is made available as a service to our *
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Public Function GetWordCount(ByVal Text As String) As Long
'Assume a hyphen at the end of a line
'is part of a full-word, so combine together
Text = Trim(Replace(Text, "-" & vbNewLine, ""))
'Replace new lines with a single space
Text = Trim(Replace(Text, vbNewLine, " "))
'Collapse multiple spaces into one single space
Do While Text Like "* *"
Text = Replace(Text, " ", " ")
'Split the string and return counted words
GetWordCount = 1 + UBound(Split(Text, " "))
End Function