Tag: C Programming

Profit/Loss Calculator

This is a small utility written in C Programming Language to calculate the net income by checking a person’s salary and monthly expenses. On the basis of this information it calculates the loss or profit. It has a nice graphical User Interface with different formats to show the information i.e. Pie Chart: Shows the information in Pie chart with different colors for salary, expenses and net income. Tabular: Show all the information in tabular form. Bar Graph: Shows the information in Bar Graph with different colors for salary, expenses and net income.

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Text editor

This program is written in pure C programming language. The interface of the C program is just like Turbo C/C++ compiler like interface, and it also provides some dialog boxes same like the Turbo C/C++ compiler. It has menus just like C/C++ compiler, text formatting options and also provides options to change font color.

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Transitioning from C to C++: A Quick Guide for Novice Programmers

As we begin the study of C++ and object oriented programming, a few comments are in order to help you get started. Since the field of object oriented programming is probably new to you, you will find that there is a significant amount of new terminology for you to grasp. This is true of any new endeavor and you should be warned not to be intimidated by all of the new concepts.

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Scientific Calculator Program

This graphical scientific calculator purely written in C programming language. It uses small functions to draw buttons on the screen and perform scientific operations like conversion, logarithm, and other operations. Every operation can be performed using the mouse buttons as well as keyboard. It can perform almost all the functions shown on the screen except few functions which will be implemented in the next version of this calculator code.

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Statements in C#

The real nuts and bolts of a programming languages is that which controls the flow of a program called statements. Types of Statements in C# C# borrows most of its statements directly from C and C++, though there are some...

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Predefined Datatypes in C#

Here we will see the data types available in C#. Before examining the data types in C#, first we will try to understand the C# have two categories of data types. Value types and Reference types. Value type data type is that which stores the value directly in the memory. Its just like int, float and double. But reference types variables only store the reference of the memory where the actual value is.

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Application Structure

Let’s begin by looking at the structure of a C# application. Every C# application contains certain elements. The application begins with the hierarchical levels, listed here in order of appearance. Namespace Class Method...

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An Overview of C#

C# is a new programming language specifically designed for Microsoft .NET Framework. C# is significant in two respects. It is specifically designed for use with Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It is based on modern Object...

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