Tag: C Programming

FLIB2C (Fortran Library to C)

FLIB2C is a tool to create header files that provide a simple and easy-to-use interface between FORTRAN (library) routines and C. The differences between the FORTRAN and C calling sequences are hidden in a header file that has to be created for every FORTRAN library. FLIB2C simplifies the task of creating a header file.

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A2FPLOT (Read ASCII data and write in fplot style)

To configure the program, edit the file “jsconfig.h”. Since this is a general configuration file, not all settings may apply to this package. If in doubt, use grep or anything else to find out if a specific configuration symbol is used somewhere.

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Bank Management Program

This is an automated software system written in C programming language for Bank Management which can handle accounts for customers. It uses files to handle the daily transactions, account management and user management. Its not a complete accounting software just like implemented in the banks, but still it can manage the accounts of the customers using the files at back end. It has a nice graphical layout written in C Language.

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Data Structure Library

Ubiqx is a collection of ANSI C compatible modules for implementing linked lists, binary trees, caching and spare arrays. The goal of the ubiqx project is to develop a set of clean, small, re-usable code modules which implement fundamental constructs and mechanisms, and to make them available under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL).

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ballonpoking(A GAME IN C++)

This game will help all new C Language Programmers in understanding the concepts of graphics and object oriented programming in C++. So play and enjoy………… Please post your comments and rate the game....

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C++ Program to demonstrate SnakeMan game

It is a snake game same as in Nokia Mobile Phones written n C++ using Turbo C++ compiler. I assure that you would love it. The code is quite simple to understand. I would be happy if you visit it.   Snake Game (17.6...

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Brick Game – Game Developed in C++

This is the complete source code of the most favorite flash game ‘Web Breaker’. The source code is written completely in C/C++ programming language. The game runs in DOS graphics mode. You can use either Turbo C++ compiler or Dev C++ compiler to compile and run this code.

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