Tag: C Programming

Number Base Conversion in C – Decimal, Binary and Octal

This is a Number Base Conversion Program written in C. It is designed to assist novice C programmers in understanding and implementing basic number base conversions. New C programmers can use this program as a reference to grasp fundamental concepts of number base conversions and modular programming in the C language.

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Telephone Directory Program in C

This is telephone directory program written in C and uses BGI Graphics to display data. The program takes Name, Phone Number, Mobile Number, Address and saves it in newly created file. The program also shows saved record on screen. User can find and delete the records too.

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Customizable Information Box Library in C

This C code provides a simple and customizable implementation for creating text boxes that can be used to display tips, hints, or information in a game or application. The code is designed to be beginner-friendly and easy to integrate into C programs.

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Making Mouse Pointers

How to create the mouse pointers in c language. Different shapes can be given to the mouse pointer by changing the values of the cursor variable array.

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How to implement simple TCP Client and Server Program in C?

This is a C Program that illustrates a simple TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) server that accepts incoming client connections. Once a client connection is established, a thread is spawned to read data from the client and echo it back (if the echo option is not disabled).

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Linked List Demo

This is a C Program to perform list traversal operation using linked list. This C program to show the basic functions of linked list such as add, delete, append and delete.

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Directory Traversing in C using Tree Data Structure

This is a C Program to implement tree data structure. It uses current working directory as the root and traverse all files inside the directory and prints them on the screen. You can use any C/C++ compilers to compile and run this program however, it is tested using Turbo C++ Compiler only.

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Display Days of Week using enum Keyword in C

This C program uses enumerated types to display days of week. The enumerated type is then declared as a different name using typedef keyword i.e. enum days  to typedef enum days days. The function prints for each day of the week, today, yesterday, and tomorrow, both as a string and as a number.

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