Tag: C Programming

C Programming – Math.h library functions

Today I will try to explore math.h (library) header file provided to the programmers by turbo C++ compiler. Mostly people try to implement their own implementation of these functions; this is due to the lack of knowledge about Math library provided by turbo C++.

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Print pyramids and diamonds in C Language

This article demonstrates how you can print pyramids and diamonds using for loop and if condition. Building a pyramid in c programming is quite easy provided that you understand the concept of how loops works.

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Graphics Library (graphics.h) Reference (part 3)

In the previous two posts (Graphics Library Reference part 1 and part 2) I have discussed few important functions of graphics.h library in C Programming. As promised here is the sample C language program which will demonstrate the use of graphics functions using C language and draw some geometrical shapes on the console. If you have followed the previous two posts the you will not find the source code difficult to compile and execute. If you still experience any problems using the source code or compiling the code the please do let me know, and I will try to figure it out.

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