Tag: C Programming

Discover the Best and Most Popular Applications Written in C/C++

Discover the top 10 applications developed with C/C++ in this informative article. From operating systems to video games, C/C++ has been used to create some of the most popular and high-performance applications in the world. Explore this list and learn about the benefits of using C/C++ for developing software that requires speed, efficiency, and robustness. Read now to find out why C/C++ continues to be a top choice for developers worldwide.

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C Program of Library Management System

This is a C program to implement Library Management System by which a librarian can operate a simple library. It uses Linked List, Stack and Pointers to implement different features of the library system. The program also uses struct data structure to add records in the library.

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C Programming: A Modern Approach, 2nd Edition

The second edition maintains all the book’s popular features and brings it up to date with coverage of the C99 standard. The new edition also adds a significant number of exercises and longer programming projects, and includes extensive revisions and updates.

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C Program to Calculate Factorial of a Number

This C program is designed to compute the factorial of a user-entered integer. The program employs a for loop to calculate the factorial and then displays the result. The user can continue inputting positive integers to obtain their factorials until a non-integer input is provided which terminates the program.

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C Programming Language (2nd Edition)

Just about every C programmer I respect learned C from this book. Unlike many of the 1,000 page doorstops stuffed with CD-ROMs that have become popular, this volume is concise and powerful (if somewhat dangerous) — like C...

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C Program to demonstrate 8Queen with simple graphics

The C program is an implementation of the 8-Queens Puzzle, a classic problem in chess. The objective of the puzzle is to place eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard in such a way that no two queens threaten each other. In chess, a queen can attack horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.

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Union in C Programming

A union in C programming is a user defined data type which may hold members of different sizes and type. Union uses a single memory location to hold more than one variables. However, only one of its members can be accessed at a time and all other members will contain garbage values. A structure is a convenient tool for handling a group of logically related data items. Structure help to organize complex data is a more meaningful way. It is powerful concept that we may after need to use in our program Design.

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