Tag: C Programming

Basic Data Types in C Programming

C language provides a standard and minimal set of basic data types. Sometimes these are called primitive data types. More complex data structures can be built up from these basic data types. Data types specify how we enter data into our C programs and what type of data we use for different operations. C has some predefined set of data types to handle various kinds of data that we can use in our program.

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Snake Game – C Imlementation

This C program simulates the game “snake” which is usually available in old mobile phones. A string of characters moves on the screen according to arrow keys pressed by user. If it touches itself or screen boundary, the program terminates. When the snake moves, in arbitrary screen positions some digit (1-9) appears. The objective of the game is to make the snake eat the said digit, so that it is added to the score. When a digit is eaten, the size of the snake increases by the number of characters equal to the value of the digit.

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C Program – Tic-Tac-Toe Game – Command Line

This is a console version of Tic Tac Toe computer game written in c programming language. The game runs in text mode of command prompt and users can play the game in text mode. The game has many options to choose from, like playing with computer, friend. While playing with computer use can select either novice mode or advance mode.

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C Program to show Fibonacci Sequence

This C program prints out the first Fibonacci series of N numbers. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of numbers named after Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. The first number of the sequence is 0, the second number is 1, and each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the previous two numbers of the sequence itself, thus creating the sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, etc. The standard form of writing Fibonacci series is:

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