
Working with Namespaces in C#

Every application begins with a namespace in C# .NET that has the same name as the project. Of course, you can change the namespace to…

Application Structure

Let's begin by looking at the structure of a C# application. Every C# application contains certain elements. The application begins with the hierarchical levels, listed…

An Overview of C#

C# is a new programming language specifically designed for Microsoft .NET Framework. C# is significant in two respects. It is specifically designed for use with…

Classes – Object Oriented Programming

Classes – Object Oriented Programming

If we say that a particular programming language is Object Oriented then it means, the programming language must have the facility to define classes in…

Constructors in C++

A constructor is a special method that is created when the object is created or defined. This particular method holds the same name as that…

A Guide to Advanced Exception Handling in C++ Programming

An exception usually signals an error. One of the major features in C++ is exception handling, which is a better way of thinking about and…

Destructors in C++

As opposed to a constructor, a destructor is called when a program has finished using an instance of an object. A destructor does the cleaning…