Capitalize Sentences and Words – C# Programming Examples

Capitalize Sentences and Words – C# Programming Examples

In C# programming, text manipulation is essential for creating clean and readable content. Whether you're dealing with user input, processing text files, or enhancing the…

Generating Controlled Random Numbers in C#

Generating random numbers is a fundamental requirement in various programming scenarios, from creating dynamic content to simulating unpredictable events. In C#, the System.Random class provides…

Exception Handling in C# Applications

In C#, an exception is a runtime error or unexpected behavior that occurs during the execution of a program. Exceptions can be caused by various…

Working with Namespaces in C#

Every application begins with a namespace in C# .NET that has the same name as the project. Of course, you can change the namespace to…

Statements in C#

The real nuts and bolts of a programming languages is that which controls the flow of a program called statements. Types of Statements in C#…

Predefined Datatypes in C#

Here we will see the data types available in C#. Before examining the data types in C#, first we will try to understand the C#…

Application Structure

Let's begin by looking at the structure of a C# application. Every C# application contains certain elements. The application begins with the hierarchical levels, listed…

An Overview of C#

C# is a new programming language specifically designed for Microsoft .NET Framework. C# is significant in two respects. It is specifically designed for use with…