Tag: C#.NET

Generating Controlled Random Numbers in C#

Generating random numbers is a fundamental requirement in various programming scenarios, from creating dynamic content to simulating unpredictable events. In C#, the System.Random class provides a versatile solution for generating random values. In this article, are going to explore the basics of random number generation in C# and write practical examples that showcase its applications.

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Working with Namespaces in C#

Every application begins with a namespace in C# .NET that has the same name as the project. Of course, you can change the namespace to anything you like in order to maintain compatibility with other projects. For example we declared namespace Mycplus.CSharpBasics while taking an Overview of C#. We can write the whole application with in one namespace or we can declare multiple namespaces as needed in our project. The general syntax of declaring a namespace is

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Predefined Datatypes in C#

Here we will see the data types available in C#. Before examining the data types in C#, first we will try to understand the C# have two categories of data types. Value types and Reference types. Value type data type is that which stores the value directly in the memory. Its just like int, float and double. But reference types variables only store the reference of the memory where the actual value is.

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