Coding Style

4 Proven Ways to Learn Programming Online

4 Proven Ways to Learn Programming Online

Today, the entire world relies on the internet for commerce, communication, entertainment, and even education. Thanks to this increased dependence on digital technologies, there's now…

Is C++ a Good Programming Language for Kids?

Coding is undoubtedly among the greatest skills anyone can have in the current digital era. With the advancing and increased use of technology, programming has…

Learn to code or learn to program

We propose “Learn to Program” rather than “Learn to Code” so that you can think independent of any programming language or framework. A programmer solving…

How to Evaluate Development Skills While Hiring

The costs of hiring and paying an in-house software developer are high. The average annual salary of a developer in the USA is around $140,000.…

Linux kernel coding style

This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the Linux kernel. Coding style is very personal, and I won't _force_ my views…

Indian Hill C Coding Styles and Standards

This document is a result of a committee formed at Indian Hill to establish a common set of coding standards and recommendations for the Indian…

GNU coding styles and standards

Reference standards Don't in any circumstances refer to Unix source code for or during your work on GNU! (Or to any other proprietary programs.) If…